Chapter 8

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Colson folded his arms "if you're thinking of what I think you're gonna do then I won't let you.

Becky sighed "you see how he almost want to give up his entire career and future just for me and little Domino?! I can't have him do that!"

Colson calmed Becky down "would it make you feel better if I made sure he doesn't?..."

Becky replied "no. I can't be so selfish towards him... he has a career and a bright future ahead of him and I won't let us ruin it for him..."

Just then Domino started crying and Becky covered her ears "oh my god not now!"

Colson picked her up and passed it to Becky "she's hungry. It's time for you to feed her..."

Becky sighed and grabbed her while Colson looked the other way and Becky started feeding her.

"How did you carry her for 10 months and she ended up being a carbon copy of her dad..."

Becky sighed "I don't know but at least she looks like him..."

After Becky was done feeding Domino, she gently put her back in the little bed before buttoning her shirt back on. "You can look now..."

Colson turned around "she's so cute oh my god! I can't believe I'm a uncle now!"

Megan looks at him with a smile "and I'm a auntie too!! Oh my gosh!"

While Becky was asleep, Megan sent Dom the pic she took of Becky feeding her.

Hours later, Dom had arrived and immediate got into the venue and changed before going out to perform.

Luckily he made it an hour earlier before the show starts.

He drank some water before doing some vocal warmups.

Adam picked Dom's phone up and gave it to Dom.

He unlocked it and saw the pic that Megan sent him and smiled "my queen and my princess..."

Adam gasped "YOU HAD A KID?!!"

Tom rolled his eyes "yeah, he fucked up and now he's a dad".

Dom playfully smacked Tom in the head "I love Becky with a passion and you know that!"

Tom folded his arms "I knew she was pregnant from the start. She just made me swore and promise to not tell you..."

Dom sat down and looked at him "I don't blame you... because she told me that she only kept it from me because she didn't want it to affect me and my career..." he started sobbing and Tom gave him a hug "yeah she said she don't want your future to be affected..."

Dom wiped his tears with his fingers "I know..."

Just then the fans got in and started screaming and cheering for Dom and he smiled. "My fans reminded me of why I enjoy doing this..."

Dom got out and did his thing, after the show he went straight to the dressing room and called Becky.

Becky answered and they ended up talking for about an hour before hanging up.

Becky sighed while looking at Megan "what if Dom doesn't love me and is only with me because he got me pregnant?..."

Megan hugged her "no. Dom isn't that type of guy to do that... he loves you with all his heart".

Becky looked at Domino "no... I don't believe you because we aren't even officially together or even a couple yet..."

"You guys are meant for each other... you both love and care for each other and y'all are the cutest couple I've ever seen!"

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