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Spark of lasts forever.....

"We are getting late for the CME programme . Will you please hurry up?" Jisoo said in an impatient tone. Her friend , Jennie, was typing discharge summary of a patient who was admitted for an appendectomy in the surgery ward.

"I'm almost done, Jisoo. Just give me a minute and we can both leave," Jennie replied to her best friend , who was biting her lip and looking at her watch with a frown on her face.

Jennie knew that Jisoo would catch hold of her and literally drag her down the ward if she didn't go immediately.

" Okay. Please make it fast. I don't want to miss the beginning."

"Jisoo, why are you so keen to attend today"s CME? Last week"s topic was much better and yet you chose to skip that day?" Jennie asked Jisoo, even though she very well known the reason.

"Because today's topic is about Road Traffic Accidents and First Aid. Every doctor has to know about First Aid. Its as simple as that," She told Jennie, her tone lacking the conviction she would have liked. When Jisoo took her eyes off her watch and looked at Jennie , she could see a mischievous smile playing on her friend's lips.

Jisoo was pursuing her Medicines in ANT Medical College in Seoul and was currently doing her internship. She , along with Jennie, had been in General Surgery postings for the past month. Both Jisoo and Jennie were good students, had secured decent marks in their final year exams and worked really hard during their internship. They had completed five months of their internship so far and had seven more to go before becoming a 'real doctor' and were thoroughly enjoying it. They both found the internship by far the best period of their studies.

Oh my god! This girl can read my face like a book. Am I that transparent? Jisoo thought to herself.

" What ? Why are you looking at me like that ? I'm telling the truth." Jisoo told her.

" Okay, Are you telling me that its not because Dr. Taehyung, our very efficient Emergency Medicine postgraduate is giving the talk? Are you sure? "Jennie asked mockingly, well aware of the fact Jisoo had a major crush on Taehyung. Taehyung and Jisoo were acquainted from their childhood because their parents were family friends. They were not very close friend but were always there to help each other out whenever necessary. Taehyung would always give her valuable advice about what books to buy and how to prepare for exams. He had completed his studies from a reputable college and then managed to secure an Emergency Medicine postgraduate seat at ANT, the same university where Jisoo was pursuing her medicines.

Jisoo secretly admired Taehyung but never told him or anybody else for that matter. It was only recently she had admitted her feelings for Taehyung to Jennie. Jennie had confronted Jisoo after she was caught staring at Taehyung in the students' library. Jisoo 's feelings for him ran deeper than she had been aware of. But being the shy person that she was, she made a conscious effort to not let her feelings show.

Taehyung's sister , Yoona , was one of Jisoo's best friends, and their conversation had somehow always included him, among other things. But Jisoo had been careful not to reveal her secret adulation for him to his sister.

"Jennie , its not just about V every time. Today's CME is going to be really good and V only talking for five minutes. Most of the talk is going to be delivered by Dr. Lee. Does that satisfy your curiosity? He messaged me this morning about the details of the CME. Now can we just make a move ?" Jisoo never addressed Taehyung with his full name now. It had been at one of those cosy family get together functions when they were kids that she addressed him as ' V ' for the first time instead of his full name . He had responded to her instantly and had an amused expression on his face but since that day Jisoo had always called him that.

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