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"you never have time for me Tae." Irene ranted for the hundredth time that week, as she tried to eat the soggy sandwich that was served for breakfast.

Both of them being in extremely busy branches meant they couldn't be together as much as they would have liked. Despite Taehyung's best efforts to give time to Irene , she failed to see his perspective . Moreover , his work related stress seemed to cause added insult to existing situation. The last two weeks were especially hectic for Taehyung with back to back assignments. All he expected was a little more understanding from his girlfriend.

" Irene, we have had this conversation before. I'm in a tough branch and I slog every day. You know I hardly got any free time last week."

" Tough to believe that you couldn't find an hour for me , Tae" Irene scowled.

"Do I pester you like this when you are busy?" Taehyung retorted

"Of course you don't. Do you even care?"

Taehyung resented that she was making him sound like an insensitive boyfriend.

"I usually spend all my free time with you, yet you keep complaining. I have stopped going out with my friends, I hardly talk to my parents and the odd time they call I'm usually talking to you. I don't even read books anymore so that whatever free time I get I can spend with you."

"Oh okay! Mr. Busy Emergency Physician! I'm a first year Post graduate too.You miss your friends, so do I. I spent all my free time with you too, Tae. But I don't find that a problem unlike you." Irene said as tear gleamed in her eyes.

Taehyung was getting tired of arguing with Irene and wanted to get out of the students' café . They were drawing a fair bit of attention from their colleagues.

"Irene, I have to go. People are staring at us. Let's not create a grand spectacle for all of them to watch and gossip." Taehyung snapped at her. He then threw his stethoscope around his neck and walked out of there.

She often chose the worst possible places to start a row. Being in a relationship is so difficult, he thought wryly. He really wanted to work it out but it was getting hard day by day.

At that moment, his phone started ringing.

It was Jisoo.

Jisoo only occasionally messaged Taehyung nowadays. The phone calls between them were almost non-existent since he proposed to Irene. She had to put him out of her head and had almost succeeded in doing so. She was even trying to be happy for him.

"V, hey! Are you busy ? I'm starting my ER posting from tomorrow," Jisoo told him in her soft voice.

Taehyung is aware of the distance that had grown between them but thought it was best things remained that way, because Irene was a bit possessive. She never liked hanging out with his friends.

" oh cool! Who else is posted with you?" Taehyung asked jisoo.

"Chaeyoung, Jungkook, Eunwoo, Jinyoung and myself. Actually , I called you to ask, can you please post Chaeyoung and me together ? please." She wanted a female colleague to be with her in ER posting.

"well let me go and check the notice board. Probably, Dr. Lee will ask me to make the list and if he does I will post you and Chaeyoung together. Is that okay?" Taehyung walked across the hospital door and entered the ER.

" That would be great. Thank you, V"

" Okay then, catch you tomorrow, Bye!" Taehyung hung up.

There was five missed calls, one from Irene and the other four being from Suga. He knew , he shouldn't behave so rudely to Irene, but all he wanted was a little bit of understanding. He will try to make it up to her by taking to a date later, but right now he is not in the mood of yet another argument with the same topic. He thought and got back to his work.

It was nine pm by the time he handed over the duty to his colleague, Namjoon, and reached his hostel. It was a common hostel shared by the male as well as female postgraduates. As soon as he reached his room, he messaged Irene.

After few tantrums from Irene and a lots of pleading from Teahyung, they finally decided to go to a restaurant nearby to have their dinner.

They hadn't gone out for dinner even once during the last month, so they had a lot of things to catch up on. After ordering their food they talked about their thesis works, duties, different cases in their respective department and what not.

" Jisoo is posted to the ER from tomorrow, so I will have a good company for the next couple of weeks." Taehyung said and then looked up to her face. She was glaring at him, and he knew she was jealous. Nevertheless he continued with out paying heed to her dangerous silence.

"From what I heard , this batch is really sincere , so my work will be easier."

"Why are you upset?" Taehyung asked Irene , though he knew exactly what's running in her mind. Irene is really possessive of him and not just to Jisoo. She didn't liked him talking to any girl. The fact that Jisoo was his family friend didn't go down well with her. She somehow felt insecure.

"I don't thing I like Jisoo much." Irene scowled.

"That's not surprising." Taehyung commented as he continued eating his pasta.

"I'm not jealous of her if that's what you are hinting at." Irene snarled as if she could read Taehyung's mind. "She doesn't even come close to my league, Tae. Even if she starves for a week, she won't get my figure."

Taehyung cringed at Irene's words. Jisoo was definitely pretty. She wasn't the quintessential size zero beauty that Irene was but more like the girl next door. But he chose to not speak his mind for his own mental peace.

"Irene , she is my friend but she doesn't even talk to me properly these days. She probably realized that you don't like her and keeping her distance. She is like a family to me, a very sensible and sweet girl. Not like the hot headed, possessive girl that you are." Taehyung stopped talking when he looked up and saw Irene shooting daggers at him.

He sighed, as he spoke calmly . "We are just friends , Irene."

"You both may not talk much, but she is very comfortable around you. She even calls you by a nickname when other interns address you as 'sir'. Why can't she call you 'sir' at least in front of everyone?  I'm going to tell her ." Irene clearly was not in a mood to give up her argument.

Taehyung lost his patience a little. He was now getting irritated.

" She calls me by that name because we have been friends from childhood. How can you expect her suddenly call me 'sir' ? sounds absurd to my own ears." Taehyung grimaced.

"Whatever." Irene rolled her eyes.

Taehyung was practically done with all this drama. He just wanted a peaceful dinner with his girlfriend and apologize to her for his rude behavior this morning.

Still he maintained his composer and said gently. " Look Irene, I'm a one woman man if that's what you worried about. You don't need to be jealous ."

Irene just sighed as she too was tired and just wanted to finish this so called date and go to her bed.

They finished their food without any argument any further and went back to their respective rooms with their own uncertain thoughts in minds......

To be continue....

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