Continuation of the dream

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"Dude just let me go! I don't know what I did to you so just let me go!"

Footsteps could be heard getting closer and closer towards him...He was scared...Scared of Alejandro and scared of what was going to happen.

He felt a hand on his chin lifting his head up to look at him

"You're pretty...Mi amor..."

He blushed at the compliment.Why did he feel this way he liked girls and most importantly where was Lindsay his girlfriend and where was everyone else?

"Tyler wake up..."

"Wake up."

"This is only a dream."

"This is the beginning."

"Now wake up."

"Wake up please."

His eyes snapped open in fear, and in fear he began to shake.

The fox meets the jock (spider) NOT FINISHED ♥️Where stories live. Discover now