Journey to the Hidden World

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Grimmel is that insanely smart anime character that knows everything for some reason

He's like L from Death Note 😂😂

Only L is wayyy better, and more adorable


Third Person P.O.V

Toothless and (D/N) lead the entire popularity of Berk, some larger dragons carrying boats of supplies and food.

The ocean seemed to go on forever, the air thick with humidity but the breeze balancing it out.

A sheep wearing a dragon disguise happily bleats as he peeks over the edge, his tongue hanging out. He pauses, his eyes wide when he notices a dragon lowly hissing at him. He quickly ducks back down, nervously peeking over at the dragon.


"Excuse me! Coming through!" Fishlegs whimpers, people swerving to avoid him as he attempts to steady Fishmeat. "Fishmeat! Look! Eat your rocks, eat your rocks!"

Fishmeat pauses ontop of his head, eagerly biting at the rock offered as Fishlegs lowers him back in his pack.

"Gods! People who fly with babies are the worst," Snotlout growls in annoyance, rolling his eyes.

Fishmeat belches, a fireball blasting and striking Snotlout's shield behind him as he ducks with an annoyed groan.


"I feel like I'm always asking you two this question, but..." Gobber screams as Grump falls asleep mid-air. "Wake up, Grump! Wake up!"

He pops back up behind Hiccup and (Y/N), Hiccup looking over the horizen with a scope.

"Is there an actual plan, or...?"

"Just keep flying until we reach the end of the world," Hiccup replies, a grin on his face.

"Ah. Seems sensible," Gobber sarcastically responds, "now, (Y/N), I hope you have a better plan?"

(Y/N) hums in thought for a moment, "well, we can always find an island to rest on for a bit if the dragons get too tired before we reach the end of the world."

"Ah! I like that plan," Gobber nods, flying lower as Grump once again falls asleep.


Berk was empty, clouds in the sky causing a dull color to cast down on the island.

"Where are they?" Chaghatai Khan demands, walking up the steps to Grimmel.

"Gone, obviously." Grimmel responds, biting into an apple.

"The Night Fury and Dark Angel escaped you? Again?"

Grimmel snickers, shrugging nonchalantly. "I encouraged it. They've abandoned their only defensible position."


(D/N) looks around with perked ears, shaking his head as he continues flying at Toothless' side.

"Running scared with what little they can carry."

Snotlout groans, joining (Y/N) side for a moment as Hiccup glances up from his spyglass at him.

"It just keeps going!"

"That's 'cause the world is actually round!" Tuffnut replies, lounging on Belch.

Hiccup rolls his eyes with a grin, looking through the spyglass as (Y/N) raises a brow at Tuff. Astrid chuckles, Valka smiling in amusement and (M/N) shaking her head with a laugh.

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