What If ?

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What if Grim knew everything and was actually acting along?

When Grim first arrive in the place where there are coffin he knew that he had a task to do which to be a support for Yuu then do his thing.

Intentionally cause trouble the ceremony and sneaking back up.

Getting into trouble like Burning the queen of hearts statue while assisting to destroy the chandelier.

It was all an acting from his bratty, annoying, arrogant attitude as he had a task to do.

He was doing his usual stuff when suddenly he saw a familiar making him shock inside while acting on the outside.

Their eyes met causing his heart to shiver knowing he had been seen through and decided to play his usual characters.

It was like repeat problem over and there then the overblot and next overblot.

One night when he decided to sneak to be relaxed as he was dead tired acting from day to day.

He then heard a something in the corner and it was him, Nyx leaning as he smiled.

" I knew it.."

Clearly school but still continue playing in his character.

"Myah!! What are you talking about!? "

He was about to release his fire power when suddenly time stopped as Nyx smiled looking at him.

" Still, acting? Your already busted"

Grim jaw drop as he knew that he really was busted now and in deep shit trouble.

" How did you knew? "

Grim said without the Grim personality act as he was goddam tired from shouting and saying myah myah words.

" I had my suspicion, but you confirmed it tonight. Grim "

Grim sigh hearing those words as expected from that descendants.

" Are you going to tell the others? "

Grim asked but to his surprise Nyx just shook his head in disagreement and laugh softly.

" Of, course not besides it will be on their ability to find out the truth or not besides.....You should be not originally from that form right?"

Grim then sighed again and nod since it was quite true after all.

Ever since he first arrive, No....

Before he accepted the task, he was actually a human or a mage in fact that had live for a few century and often wander from place to place.

Then he was recruited by a weird looking person, No like angel person as it was emitting a very holy holy light.

" Can you turn back? "
Nyx asked

" sadly, no. I will be in this form unless Yuu found out the truth "

Grim explained as it was actually one of the condition that was in the contract that he signed.

Stated that he will not gain his human form unless the one he was assigned found out then his human could be available to also switch back and forth in both form but the he, Grim should not give out any clues or even act OOC then he will be punished by the contract with a means of thousand death in the river sin.

Making Nyx sigh as it was kind of cruel the contract was beside he cannot undo it. He had already raised suspicion is who the other party was as it was likely a group similar to the Slayers.

" So, Why did you even sign the contract? Grim, if it's that's even your real name."
Nyx inquire at the cat as they had seat down on a bench.

" I actually...do not know.."
Grim muttered as it was the truth.

" What do you mean? "
Nyx became alarmed as he had an ominous feeling.

" When I first arrive the only thing that was in my head, was my task and the character or personality what should I do......"

The two then became silent since it was really a dreadful situation. Nyx thought could it be that.........

Grim then looked at the sky as it was already passed midnight.

" Nyx, I'm sorry but I had to go..."
Grim said.

As he floated up and was about to left when he suddenly stop and debating something making Nyx notice it.

Nyx then looked at Grim as he seem to whisper something in a very faint tone as he even could not hear it.

When suddenly Grim looked at him and smile making halt as Grim now overlap a certain someone.

That someone had a black long hair as that faded to Arabian blue then faded to white, and electric blue flames floating in both side of his, as he smiling at Nyx.

But one thing that overlay was their eyes it was like from the same person. It was a bright blue eyes that held the same mischief....that was often nostalgic.....

" Right. Nyx....my real name actually is.

    ***** "


AN: this story idea was also stuck in my mind like what if grim was actually acting the cause trouble in purpose since it was his role.

Actually it came when I thought is there a fanfic about Grim that can transform human and I was like search it in goggle it.

I did saw one but like a one shot tho...

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