1. Kaahani

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January 6th, 1992
3 AM in Lucknow

A desolate highway bore witness to an eerie chase. Two cars sliced through the night's silence, a sleek black sedan hurtling forward, pursued relentlessly by a trailing vehicle—a midnight blue SUV, its headlights slicing through the darkness.

The black sedan, its engine roaring, seemed desperate to outrun its pursuer. The tension escalated, reaching a crescendo as the two vehicles careened down the empty stretch. In an instant, a deafening crash echoed through the night—a collision that momentarily halted the chase.

The morning sun painted the scene in a haunting light, revealing the aftermath of the night's turmoil. The occupants of the sedan were gone, but the driver's seat bore the silhouette of a lone figure, slumped over lifelessly—a mysterious casualty of the night's enigmatic pursuit.

Sirens ringing all around. The crowd gathers to witness a scene. A scene of An accident

6th Jan 2023,

Sho Haseena Mallik and SI Karishma Singh of Mahila Police Thana were on their routine patrol, navigating through the bustling streets of Lucknow. As they made their way back to the station from headquarters, a call pierced through the tranquility of their journey.
"Karishma Singh, stop the car," instructed Maddam Sir, her voice laced with an urgency that sent a chill down Karishma Singh's spine. Pulling over to the side of the road, they both turned their attention to the unfolding revelation.

"Remember that incident from 1992?" Maddam Sir's voice trembled, resonating with an unexpected gravity. "The crash on the highway, the mysterious death... it resurfaced. The deceased from that night, the one found in the black sedan—they've been sighted, alive, and well... it's impossible!"

Karishma's eyes widened in disbelief, grappling with the impossibility of the revelation. Maddam Sir's gaze fixated on the file that seemed to have emerged from the abyss of forgotten cases, now threatening to unravel the truth shrouded in the shadows of the past.

"We need to reopen this case," asserted Maddam Sir, her mind already racing through the labyrinth of clues and unanswered questions that had long remained dormant. The mystery of that fateful night, once thought buried in the annals of history, now beckoned for resolution, drawing them into a web of intrigue that promised no easy answers.

"This is not as simple as it looks" said Haseena Opening the file.
Little did she know. She's not reopening a case, she's Unveiling the secrets of the past.

"I agree, what is so different is....How is this possible? We all know that brutal accident...my Mother told me it was when she married baba" Karishma says in awe to Haseena.

"There are missing peices to this...how can it be possible for someone who died ages ago is now again alive?" Haseena's eyes wandered over the Side of the road. She saw a guy watching them.

She signalled Karishma to stay quiet.

She swiftly got down from the car.

And Caught that guy from behind.
He dropped a file and Escaped.

The file said

"1992....Death rebound"

Sorry for a short epilogue.
But this will be a labyrinth. This story will contain a lot more parts then my other one shots.
I request you all to think twice before jumping to any conclusions. Because "it's not as simple as it seems"

Signing off

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