8. Question?

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Chapter Playlist
1. Cardigan - Taylor swift
2. Delicate - Taylor swift
3. Diet Mountain Dew - Lana del Rey
4. Bubblegum Bitch - MARINA
5. Toxic - Britany Spears
In the heart of the night, Haseena, the astute investigator, sat alone in her unmarked police car parked at the edge of a desolate stretch of road. The dim glow of the overhead light illuminated the interior just enough for her to sift through a dossier spread across the passenger seat.

The night air outside was still, and the only sounds that penetrated the quietude were the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hoots of an owl. Haseena's focused gaze scanned the documents, her mind constructing the intricate puzzle of the case.

Suddenly, the car's engine rumbled, sputtered, and then fell silent. The overhead light flickered, casting eerie shadows within the confined space. Haseena glanced toward the rearview mirror, a hint of suspicion flashing across her face.

A chill crawled up her spine as the car's interior plunged into complete darkness. Her hand instinctively reached for her sidearm, the cool metal a reassuring presence against her palm. With the other hand, she groped for the flashlight tucked into the glove compartment.

Before the beam of light could pierce the shadows, a movement caught her attention—a fleeting shadow in the periphery of her vision. Haseena's breath caught in her throat as she tensed, every nerve on edge.

"Who's there?" she called out, her voice cutting through the silence. No reply. The darkness held its secrets close, and the oppressive quiet only deepened.

A subtle creak echoed through the car, and Haseena turned sharply toward the sound. In the dim light, she discerned the silhouette of a figure, their features obscured by the shadows.

Adrenaline surged through her veins as she gripped the flashlight tighter. With a swift motion, she directed the beam toward the figure. A moment of frozen stillness enveloped the car, and then, with shocking suddenness, the light flickered and died.

In the ensuing darkness, Haseena felt a presence closing in. A pair of strong hands clamped over her shoulders, immobilizing her. Panic surged within her, and she fought against the unseen assailant.

"Let go!" she demanded, her voice edged with defiance. The struggle was futile, and before she could comprehend the situation, she felt herself being pulled out of the car, the cold night air biting against her skin.

The car sat silent and abandoned by the roadside, its doors ajar, and the dossier left behind—a cryptic trail of unfinished business. As Haseena was spirited away into the shadows, the unanswered questions of the case echoed through the night, lingering like a haunting refrain in the desolate surroundings.

Haseena's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled against the unseen assailants. Despite her valiant efforts, their grip remained unyielding, their strength overpowering. With each desperate struggle, her breath came in ragged gasps, the taste of fear bitter on her tongue.

In the darkness, she could barely make out the shapes of her assailants, their features obscured by the veil of night. Their movements were swift and coordinated, their intentions shrouded in mystery.

Haseena fought with every ounce of strength she possessed, her limbs thrashing against the confines of their grasp. She unleashed a flurry of kicks and punches, her training and instincts guiding her actions in the chaotic darkness.

But the assailants were relentless, their grip unyielding. Despite her best efforts, she could not break free from their vice-like hold. The struggle seemed endless, the darkness swallowing her protests as she fought against the encroaching shadows.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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