7 - Baby let the games begin...

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Chapter Playlist.(important Hints)
1. I Did something Bad - Taylor Swift
2. Castles Crumbling - Taylor swift
3. ...Ready for it - Taylor swift
4. Chemtrails over the country club - Lana del  Rey.
5. Dangerous woman - Ariana Grande
6. Vigilante shit - Taylor swift

(Carefully listen to those songs, and if required watch their music videos or lyrics because they contain a lot of hints. )

As the clock struck the appointed hour, Haseena, accompanied by Santosh Sharma, arrived at the opulent mansion of Maya, the renowned CEO of the city's most prestigious fashion empire. They were greeted by the sight of Maya, poised at the entrance, her demeanor cold and distant.

Maya: You're three minutes late. Time is money, you know.

Haseena: My apologies, Maya. We encountered some unexpected traffic on the way here. But rest assured, we're here to ensure your security.

Maya- With a dismissive wave said...Excuses, excuses. Just make sure you're on time next time.

Santosh, with an air of admiration mixed with nerves, couldn't help but glance at Maya with awe. However, her gaze quickly shifted to Haseena, whose unwavering determination reflected in her eyes.

Maya: (Noticing Santosh's gaze) What are you staring at, girl? Keep your eyes on the job, not on me.

Santosh: Quickly averting her gaze she spoke S-Sorry, Maya. I was just...

Haseena:Cutting in - Santosh Sharma , focus. We have a job to do.

Maya's eyes narrowed as she observed the exchange between Haseena and Santosh, a silent judgment passing through her icy glare.

Maya: (With a hint of disdain) Your subordinate seems more interested in flattery than in doing her job, miss Haseena.

Haseena: Maintaining her composure let out  Santosh Sharma  is dedicated to her work, Ma'am. She may admire your accomplishments, but her loyalty lies with her duty.

Maya: Dismissing Haseena's words with a scoff said...Well, I expect nothing less. Now, let's get on with it. I have a busy schedule ahead.

As they accompanied Maya to her awaiting vehicle, the tension between the trio was palpable. Santosh, torn between her admiration for Maya and her loyalty to her duty, found herself walking a tightrope of conflicting emotions.

Santosh: (Quietly to Haseena) I'm sorry, Madam Sir. I didn't mean to cause any trouble.

Haseena: (Softly) It's alright, Santosh Sharma. Just remember, our duty comes first. Maya may be a formidable presence, but we're here to protect her, no matter what.

As they watched Maya's car pull away, Santosh couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. The intricacies of their assignment, coupled with the complexities of human nature, made for a formidable challenge—one that would test their resolve and loyalty in ways they had never imagined.

They left the scene.....

Whereas other side...

"I have the key! Open the safe. Go.go. Go." Said a lady tossing a very small almost invisible key to another guy.

"Will u be able to handle them alone!? That too in heels?" He asked almost before sprinting to the other side....

"Handle them? Sweetheart, I eat goons for breakfast. Just make sure you don't trip over those shoelaces of yours while I work my magic." The agent tossed a wink to Black as he left..

The dimly lit warehouse echoed with the sound of dripping water and distant echoes, setting the stage for the impending clash. Agent Red, clad in a sleek slit bodycon dress that accentuated her curves, stepped into the scene, her stiletto heels clicking against the concrete floor like a ticking time bomb.

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