4. She-Devil of Dark

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"Nothing is Random in Her world"!
Even In the Whisper of the dark, a bride of shadows unveils her darkness and leaves a Bitter sweet taste of Charecter"

Chapter Playlist
1. God is a Woman - Ariana Grande
2. The Man - Taylor swift
3. Boss Bi*ch - Doja cat
4. No body no Crime - Taylor Swift

Screams and Fights!
On a deserted road
National Highway 9.

As two people was passing by, there was it.
Their car was stopped by Masked men.
All well built professionals.

The two people got off and
The action begun.

Certainly! The two women, standing amidst the vehicles on the bustling highway, faced the encroaching bodyguards with an eerie calmness. As the tension mounted, the first woman, a study in controlled grace, initiated the sequence of calculated movements.

She shifted her weight onto her left foot, positioning herself in a modified defensive stance. With a sharp intake of breath, she initiated the sequence, her body moving as if guided by an unseen force. Engaging her hips and core, she executed a swift front kick, a low sweeping motion aimed at the guard's lower limbs. As her leg connected, the momentum from her body's rotation accentuated the strike, causing the guard to lose his balance and stumble.

Capitalizing on the guard's momentary vulnerability, she seamlessly transitioned into a compact, controlled strike, her hand guided by practiced precision. Targeting the pressure points along his torso with calculated force, she aimed to incapacitate rather than harm, utilizing her body's natural power and leverage to ensure a swift, non-lethal outcome.

Simultaneously, the second woman engaged in a defensive dance, her movements akin to a mesmerizing flow of water. With calculated footwork and a keen sense of timing, she evaded the guards' advances, harnessing their own momentum against them. Employing circular movements, she redirected their strikes, subtly guiding their force away from her and back toward them.

Her body became an instrument of controlled force, manipulating her attackers' energy with each twist and turn. Employing swift and precise joint locks, she leveraged their movements against them, rendering them momentarily incapacitated without inflicting severe harm. Every subtle shift of her body was a calculated measure, utilizing the guards' force against them while maintaining an adept defensive posture.

In harmonious synchrony, their movements melded into a symphony of skill and precision. The first woman's strikes were calculated bursts of controlled energy, while the second woman's evasions and redirects flowed seamlessly, utilizing the assailants' own force to subdue them. With each move, they displayed a mastery of their bodies and their adversaries, navigating the tumultuous highway with practiced ease, each movement a testament to their honed skills and calculated precision amidst the unforgiving chaos.

The Gaurds were knocked out in instances.

Their breaths are palpating, they look at each other...

Person 1- Grabs one of the guys by the collar of the now not so well ironed Shirt.

"Who sent you here!??" The female roared like a lioness who just Protected her area.

Even with her efforts the Man refused to speak up.
A hard blow straight to the face.

"She - Devil of Dark!" The man blurred out in less than a second.

The lady dropped the guy and Looked at her partner.
"She-Devil of Dark?" Who is she?

The first woman notices something.

Blinding white lights and Two powerful blows.
Powerful enough to pass out.

Next thing they knew.
They woke up in their car. All unharmed but with headaches.
Was it some sort of a clue?

The first lady thought.

The Threat! It wasn't a joke.
To be continued.

Who do you think is this person?
Who is She Devil?

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