The Throne

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I rose. The light blinded my eyes as I saw . The light. It ached . There sat the one who ruled. I must tell him. Tell him about our terrible fate. How the elements had turned against us as the flames consumed months of our blood, sweat and tears.

Initially the villagers, wanted an audience with the ministers. But here the King sat in front of me. I couldn't possibly miss this opportunity. I just couldn't.

Kuvera. Kurevadevraj. That was the king's name. One with infinite amount of wealth. He was infamous as 'Daanshoor'. The most charitable, generous and benevolent king ,the land had ever seen.
He could help us. He must. I had heard stories about him as a young child. Stories about his magnanimous and munificent behavior. How his ancestors had joined the fragments of blocks together to form this empire. How he had kept them as one and stronger than ever before.

To the right of him sat the Queen, Avyannadevi. They say she had come from a foreign land. A far away land with crippling winter and no vegetation. She was a warrior. She is one. Whenever the country was in need, she was the first in line to lay her life down. Our Commander. She was the strength of the empire as her name suggests. The people were skeptical of her being the queen at first. 'Anyadesa', the foreigner was how she was mocked. Her deeds proved them wrong though. Soon enough she was respected and admired throughout the land.

No one knows how they met nor how they became fond of each other. People just knew they had a Queen. A prominent and a distinguished one . The king as a wedding gift, had not gifted her with a new palace, jewellery nor silk. Instead he had built a throne.The most beautiful one adorned with precious stones and gold of infinite amount with two elephants carved in marble as armrests . A throne enough to accommodate the two of them. It was a gift representing equality between the two of them. It was a symbol of balance, love and respect. The greatest present. Atop their heads,rested the crown. Magnificent was the only way on e could describe it.Thethrone was several steps above me. It was unreachable. Behind the throne sat a statue of a lion. It's fierceness bore into my eyes as I looked away.

To the right of the throne sat the Royal twins, Agastya, mover of the unmoving, and Vedika, the one with knowledge of all. The young boy looked my age yet so much stronger, so capable. They said he could fight with the strength of hundred
bulls and conquer an entire army single-handedly. On the other hand, Vedika was witty and intelligent. She had aced the academics exam and had pursued philosophy and science. Both were perfect. So strong and smart. Glowing. Circumference of their head was adorned with a circlet made of gold and diamonds . It reflected sunlight so perfectly into seven colours . Two thrones with bulls and swans as arm stumps, full of colour seated them.

Behind them was a mandapa, covered in veils. Dowager queen sat in there. Rumours said she was cursed. Cursed to never see again. But it felt like she was looking. Looking at me ,through and through , from behind the silk veil.

The throne to the left was empty. The only single throne. It had horses and peacocks carved in emrald and sapphire. That was art. The most impressive one.
It belonged to the elder prince. His absence was noticeable.

Beside me were golden seatings ,lined as far as the eye can see. There sat ministers, each one unique in their appearance. Each one important. For this country, for it's people. Far behind were the people of my block. Looking expectant. A need in their eyes. They want me to talk. To tell the king about the consequences we had faced.Nothing. I was nothing . Just a feeble peasant. No worth. No importance. But we have only one chance. My muscles trembled. I have to say something.

So i did.

"The Krishi kshetra needs your help. Our village was burnt down, we have nothing left. Help us. I beg of you. "

"Yes, I have heard about this. We shall provide you with enough compensation. " ,The king said as if he knew the incident was inevitable and had thought about it beforehand.

One of the ministers spoke, "So you assume we will forgive all the taxes. We run a country not a charity. Stop wantin-"

" We will come up with a scheme, disaster management shall be done . Do not worry. All shall be well once you return. It's my word. " , people's eyes widened as the king gave his word.

All shall be well. He promised

"But Your Majesty, the barbarians shall continue to attack. We cannot compensate each loss. The country will be drained of it's wealth . Please reconsider. Moreover the elder prince- ", another minister pleaded .

"The wealth is of the people to take care of them. If it's not used for the good of them, what is use of all this? Do not question the King's words. ", the queen said as the court silenced.

The ministers cowered and affirmed

" Do not fret my dear.", the queen smiled. Her smile had warmth yet it failed to reach her eyes.

I bowed down. And walked back. Trying to take it all in one moment. I remember the magnificent thrones, the robes, the people, the architecture, the colours. Everything. I would never come back here. I was not meant to be here in the first place. I was not fated to. We were only allowed an audience with the ministers. Yet we were honoured with the presence of His Majesty.

I shall never forget this. I turned. Soon tears swelled in my eyes seeing the slightest hope twinkling in the eyes of the villagers. I did it. I helped them. I was capable.

Soon we were out. The earth stained my feet as the people of the village worshipped. It was our duty. To please earth as mortals from krishi kshetra, the agricultural block.

The sun had reached the horizon and darkness had taken over light as we settled back in the mandapa. We were to leave at dawn . Back to our old life. Where we belong.

I sit in the dark. A figure slides from behind . I was so invested in thinking that i failed to notice it. I remember it now.

It dutiful to follow my ancestor's steps . To practice farming. That was my generational wealth. That was my knowledge.

Yet it called. Slowly pulled me towards it. Body stayed yet the soul wandered. Colours. I think I am addicted. Slowly going berserk like my aunt. I desire for a life I'm not meant to live. An unwritten path.

But it is so beautiful. The city painted in colours. The sculpture carved of ivory and marble coming to life. The beautiful temples carved out of rock. The jewellery made from precious stones. Art. It was art. And i carved for it. The heart desired yet the brain stopped. I would live a respectful life in the village if forgot about all this. But happiness? It shall remain in the dark. Embedded by the clutches of societal pressure. My soul would dry out and die. All that is left behind would just be a carcass.

Yet I feared. Was my life's motive really up for a debate? I was not able to decide it that night like many other preceding moons. So I slept. It was the only solace. Only relief.

Hello everyone. I hope you enjoyed this part. It is basically just description . Many character and descriptions are followed in the upcoming chapters . Please leave suggestions. Thank you.

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