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Running. I was running as the surroundings blurred. The unlit street lamps rushed in the opposite direction. The ground was trying to pull me in. Sink me. The wind slowing me down as I desperately moved towards the gate.



I crashed into someone.

Aarya. She was right here. In front of me.
The shadow trailing behind me had disappeared. The voices vanquished.

I held her tightly.

She was not supposed to be back for another week.

I am glad. So glad.

"I missed you too. " She laughed.

I looked up at her. Fear evident in my actions as I glanced back again. No one. Not a soul.

"Is everything fine? " She questioned.

"Yes, of course. "

I couldn't ruin her return. She was back after almost a month.

"I brought back souvenirs. " She beamed proudly as she showcased her neck surrounded by medals. She brought out a huge trophy from behind her back, which shone in the dark. But nothing could outshine the happiness and pride on her face.

"Congratulations. I am so proud of you."
I smiled fondly. Her hard work had paid off.

I held her by the forearm aand went inside the gate with rest of the students who had accompanied her on the trip.

"Well, you seem to be in a hurry. "

I glanced back. For the last time as the gates closed behind us.

As examinations were over, the entire environment of the campus had drastically changed. There were celebrations and cheer all around. As soon as we entered, Aarya was dragged away from me, towards the centre of the crowd where she was lifted by her classmates and cheered for. My eyes crinkled as my smile reached them. She tried to look for me but I was pushed back.

I stayed aside for a long time. Students hollering and jeering as I observed them. The first semester was over and I could only reminisce gist of a few days.

I started walking backwards. I was tired and should sleep. I also need to rethink the whole fiasco of the man following me. Who was he? Was he really after me? Me who had done absolutely nothing for people to remember.

"It was good of you to treat that old man kindly. "

"Thank you. It is such an accomplished feeling, you know, helping others. It just brightens my day. "

I smiled inwardly. I am speaking again to voices in my head. My loneliness had forced me to take up this habit.

"Yes. I believe so. " A voice, other than mine, agreed.


He looked at me. His broad smile reaching his eyes. The sapphires gleaming in the dark. Shouldn't he be in the centre of the crowd, being the main attraction as ge always was?

I turned to look at him. His bright attire was covered with a cloak make it hard to recognize him if not for his crown.

The same cloak. The cloak that was following me.

Realisation dawned on me. I turned and tried to question yet it came out as a statement for I was sure it was him.

"You were the one following me in the dark. "

His eyes showcased affirmation but no guilt.

"You are insane. " I has a bizarre look on my face. It was inhumane.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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