Evaluation of life

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The day of assessment came swift. I reminiscence the morning. Every muscle in my body tensed, eyes drooped low, head heavy, heart anxious.

I had begun my preparation for the exams early. As soon as I got settled, I inquired about the mahavidyalaya. An entrance exam was held with a fair and sane judgement. Everyone was appointed at respective universities based upon their performance.
The capital was my goal which meant there was only one university for me. The finest and most elite. Samruddhi Mahavidyalaya ,enriching and inspiring as the name suggests, this university provided the best education .

Walls closed upon on me as I stare into abyss in the dark brooding hall. The doors closed and the exam started.

That is when it happened. Everything fell apart. The visions came. The hurt. The people.

Pens dipped in ink, pages flipped, legs shaked. Only a beam of pure light came in. The only hope. I realised then the presence of all the humans that surrounded me. Lives changed as ink splattered. Only I can take the course of my life. There existed no other option. I wrote away all i could remember.

Whilst my stay at the servant quarters, I had borrowed books for the art entrance, from the children staying there. In the dynasty, knowledge was everyone's ornament and embellishment. Primary and secondary education was free for all who wanted to attain it. Though an university education asked of you to give an entrance and a fees. It was inspiring  how those children aspired to perceive a career of their choice. They helped and encouraged . I shall forever remain grateful. Six months, 3 seasons we spent and now we all sit in this examination Hall.

Examination inquired about languages, philosophy, art history and many more...

We were told to wait. The sun was on the horizon. So i went back and slept, my mind blank and heart curbed with patience.

Curiousity is what led mankind to innovations, we cannot stop cogitating. It leads to impatience and if not curbed, soon turns humanity to insanity.
I remember Keshav disappearing. Thinking he was leaving for a few days, I waited for him, yet he never return. I asked for answers. No one reciprocated.
Months of pondering drove up my mind Deranged, I stood in front of his house, I asked them. But before I could even know, I was dragged back. There was anger, hurt, bruises. My aunt's crying fell upon my ears as my vision blurred.

Sometimes I remember her melody. It is calming. It reminds me of our place by the riverside. Full of colours. My uncle must have found it by now. Destroyed it. Even more than the fire . Rumors must have spread. I had fallen, disgraced.

They say that the agricultural block was compensated, that they were doing well. That is all that matters. Eyes betrayed me as they closed leaving the thoughts swirling. All alone.

Sun peeked through the frail fabric who served as blinds. It was the morning. The results were to be announced. The city bustling and loud as I navigated through it . At the far end, on the Northeast side of the capital situated was the examination hall, amidst the region of temples, reason being that no student would possibly think of tricks and cheating in front of the eyes of the God.
I reached and saw a crowd. Students eyeing their results.

As my turn came, I took the slip .
I had barely passed. This means I'm applicable for the pratical examination.
I could not process much. I think I was glad. Yet there was anxiety trailing behind me. Suddenly, I felt someone's stare. A laugh and it disappeared.

I filled the slip. Aadya. I checked the box of architecture off the options of courses given. That was the right thing to do. Confidence surged and locked down self doubt. I submitted the slip and returned. The next trial awaited tomorrow.

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