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After a long period of anticipation, the letter arrived. The letter of admission, my key to a new life. Soon after, arrived a package. Inside was a small bag and a piece of parchment with a financial plan and statement. It withheld finances for the first semester.

Clear instructions about the materials required for the course along with accomodation facilities for students was provided. Few of the students in the servant quarters had also attained their hard earned scholarships. There was excitement and celebration. Talks of the future, murmurs of coming times constantly fell upon my ears . It was
long time since I was joyous, this consequently. I had started conversing a lot more with the people my age. They were friends.

A month before the semester started, all of them mutually decided to visit the marketplace. I asked if I could accompany them and so began our journey to the bazaar.

One of the main reasons of famosity of Hiranyanagar was its market. The place where trader from the farthest places came, where all was traded, sold and bought. Initially the blocks set their individual camps and traded, but soon the business grew and lanes were formed. As the dynasty enriched, branches grew. Soon foreign trade flowed in and economy grew. It was fast paced. They said one could easily get lost while navigating through its streets. People often are in awe of its immense expanse. This market settled in the heart of capital.

It was true. The place leaves you stunned. Thousands of people. Commotion. People crossing the streets. Hawkers shouting, customers bargaining. I crashed into a woman as I was pulled out from my trance.
One of my companions grabbed my arm as we walked through the crowded streets. Soon we stood in front of a stationery shop. There was ink and paper everywhere I looked in the street.

"Come on, lots to buy. " ,  the one who was leading us said. He mentioned once that he often visited with his father for business, previously. That was before he came here for the higher education. He hailed from Kala kshetra, the art block. Shyam. His name was Shyam. He was a friend of one of the student from servant quarters.

All of us nodded. I checked off the items off my list as they were bought. We soon left for buying other requirements. Most of us on our own way. The plan was to meet at a lane which sold uniforms at mid afternoon.

After buying most of the supplies, I caught a glimpse of colours. A street full of vendors selling them. Happiness strung in my heart as colours flew everywhere. A little detour surely would not hurt.

Oh, It was wondrous. I remember seeing all the colours I have ever painted with and more. There were colours of different media. Colours I had not even seen before. Powders, dyes, paste. Beauty as far as the eye could see. A smile lingered on my face. Pure happiness. I stayed there. My feet refusing to move. Never wanting to leave.

I bought a few things. Held them close. Close to my heart. One of the shopkeeper smiled at me and I graciously returned it.

"You really like colours, don't you? ", he said as I laughed

I left with content. Satisfaction of the fact that I could visit often. As I crossed the street, I was met with gleaming and bright stones. One of the shop at the very start of a street was selling them. The infamous street of precious stones and valuable metals. The place where a person would truly understand the wealth of the dynasty . The soil rich with minerals  allowed the people to be profusely graced with these riches. Hence, these stones were sold like any other on the streets.

Addicted by their divinity , I reached out to touch . Blue sapphires. They were breathtaking. Blue spectrums of light dignified the atmosphere as the precious stones shone in afternoon light.

"Miss, would you like to buy one? I will give you price you could not possibly refuse. "  Surely the stone must be expensive. Buying this would mean hindering my budget. I cannot.

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