First Time | Megumi Fushiguro

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megumi fushiguro x reader

Sypnopsis: Megumi has never fell in love but there's a first time for everything

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Sypnopsis: Megumi has never fell in love but there's a first time for everything.

Contents: fluff fluffy, he is just shy uwu, Megumi is 18, first love.

Word count: 872 words.

> Megumi Fushiguro has never had a girlfriend. It's no surprise since he is a serious and reserved guy. Also, it's rare to see him with other people around his age aside from Itadori and Nobara. 

> Megumi Fushiguro enjoys going to the public library and borrowing books to read in the comfort of his bedroom. Everything changed when he first saw you studying. In that moment, he decided to stay and "read" his book on one of the library's couches. 

> Megumi Fushiguro has never felt attraction for anyone, in fact, he even thought that he was asexual. All his doubts were gone when he saw you cutely sitting at the table with a mountain of books around you like a wall. 

> Megumi Fushiguro felt very silly when he found himself visiting the library several times a week with the hope of finding you studying for your university entrance exam. 

> Megumi Fushiguro wanted to talk to you, but he was afraid of ruining his first impression by interrupting your studies, so he always ended up chickening out. Until, he developed a genius plan: Waiting for you to finish so he could approach you for a book recommendation. 

> Megumi Fushiguro didn't know that you didn't finish studying until the library closed, so he ended up waiting for 3 hours. When he finished reading The Art Of War for the tenth time, he decided to approach you. 

> Megumi Fushiguro approached and greeted you. You returned his greeting a bit tired from your 4-hour study session. Megumi, embarrassed because he thought he was bothering you, asked if you could give him a recommendation because he saw that you read a lot. You recommended Atomic Habits because it helped you improve your study and sleep habits. He thanked kindly and you said goodbye.

> Megumi Fushiguro was happy that you recommended a good book to him, as it also helped him improve his sleep schedule. (You have something in common!) It was the first time you talked and he was looking forward to seeing you again to chat some more. 

> Megumi Fushiguro decided to arrive a little earlier than usual at the library and smiled gently when he saw you searching for the books you needed to study. He came over and offered his help to find the books quicker, which you kindly accepted. Once you were ready, you started studying and he joined you by reading his own book.

> Megumi Fushiguro would help you from time to time with mathematical operations that you didn't know how to solve in exchange for a book recommendation. He was a good teacher, so much so that you understood his instructions and had no doubts. 

> Megumi Fushiguro used to go from time to time every couple of weeks to borrow books, but since you appeared in his life, he was there almost every day. Of course, on days when he was resting or when he wasn't killing curses. 

> Megumi Fushiguro enjoyed your company, your accurate comments and your elegant way of expressing yourself. He tends to be annoyed by people and be very distrustful, but it seems he could finally be himself with someone without having to worry.

> Megumi Fushiguro walked in the library again, slightly later than usual because this time he had taken longer to kill a curse, and noticed that you were not studying at your usual table. He looked around the huge library to see if you were elsewhere, but there was no sign of you. "Maybe she took a break today," he thought. 

> Megumi Fushiguro came back one, two, three more times to the library and there was no sign of you. He inwardly scolded himself for not asking for your contact last time he saw you so he could make sure you were okay. Although, there was the possibility that you were avoiding him so that he would no longer interrupt your studies.

> Megumi Fushiguro went back to his routine of borrowing books to read in his room. This time, after acquiring his books, he saw you enter the library and your gazes finally met. He sighed in relief to see that you were okay.

> Megumi Fushiguro didn't hesitate to approach you to say hello and check about your well-being. You told him that you didn't come to the library because you went to take the entrance exam to Kyoto University and passed the exam to get into medical school. He was excited for you and said, "I knew you would make it." 

> Megumi Fushiguro was genuinely happy for you, but being in Tokyo, you would probably never study in that library again. You noticed his distress and asked him what was wrong. He replied that he would just miss studying with you. You suggested that they could still be study partners via video call, an idea that pleased the black-haired man. 

> Megumi Fushiguro asked for your contact (finally) and invited you to grab a coffee to celebrate your entrance to university. You accepted and reached for his hand, he hesitated to give it to you, but when your warm fingers wrapped around his hand he knew that everything would be fine. You both left the library holding hands and never let go of each other.

A/N: English is not my first language and I'm still learning, so feel free to comment on things I can get better at. Thanks for reading!

 Thanks for reading!

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