Kaite Picks Strawberries

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Chiron has been gone all year, Grover came claiming some kid was "special," and Chiron went to teach at the school. He left Katie and Luke in charge while he was gone. Luke is my only family. He's a son of Hermes and is the head counselor of the Hermes cabin. I met Luke five years ago when I ran away from home, I met Thalia as well, a daughter of Zeus. Luke's been practically the only person I trust since Thalia died. Luke is nineteen. He has sandy blonde hair and a friendly smile on at all times. Katie is the head counselor of the Demeter cabin. She has brown hair that was typically braided and plant-green eyes. She had asked me to help pick strawberries at the camp. I was holding the basket while she picked the strawberries off the stem. "Annabeth?" She asked, I turned my head in response. "Are you okay?" She questioned. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine, just my ADHD," I reassured her. She nodded and picked up some more strawberries. Demigods had ADHD and Dyslexia, our ADHD was our battle reflexes, and we all had Dyslexia because our brains were wired for Acient Greek rather than English. I noticed the sun setting in the distance and smiled. The sun always calmed me. Then, a conch horn blow, I winced. I always hated that thing. "All cabins to the Pavillion for dinner!" Luke yelled. I looked at Katie. "We'll continue after dinner?" She asked. I nodded and put the basket down and walked to the Athena cabin. Athena was my mother,  Luke, and I have been at camp the longest, so it didn't even matter if we were the oldest out of our cabins. We were the head counselor.
"Six! Fall in!" I called. My sibling lined up, and I stood in front of them. We started walking to the mess hall. The diner was as normal as you can get with a bunch of (mainly) teenagers that have ADHD and all have goldy parents. We ended with Mr. D  actually talking to us, "Chiron will be back tomorrow morning with another one of you brats." Everyone cheered.

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