3. Room 501

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First chapter with some angst. Be warned; CW Mild internalized homophobia.

It's race weekend in Abu Dhabi, 2023.

Charles Leclerc

It's nice, to wake up slow and against Max's shoulder. His neck is a little stiff but Charles doesn't mind, smiling some as he just barely lifts his head to push his nose against something warm. He only really pulls away once he realizes it's Max's bare neck, looking at it for a moment before his red puffy eyes finds the dutchman's and he just smiles back at him like nothing.

"God, I'm sorry..." Charles groans, rubbing at cheeks red from sleep but Max is just shaking his head- Daniel watching them both silently with a small smile on his own lips.

"Don't worry about it."

"But I drooled all over you..." Charles groans, wiping at his mouth a bit but he hadn't. Maybe just a little but Max didn't mind- chuckling softly as he comes to give the Ferrari drivers shoulder a little shove.

"You didn't. Besides I slept for a little while too-... it was nice. Better than seeing you sleeping against the wall."

Max is right. Charles wouldn't have wanted to see the other uncomfortable either and as his eyes lift to meet with Daniels he's smiling- not seeming to care either about Charles god damn near sleeping a day away. So Charles finally nods and as he takes a peak outside the window he can see a lit up and bright city- they're close now- maybe just an hour from touching down in their last stop of the year.

The thought has the Monegasques stomach dropping and he takes a small breath, rubbing a hand over his face to try and rid himself of the feeling. It wasn't so much the season being over and more so the thought of not seeing his boys as much anymore. Not having an excuse to text, to call- without making elaborate plans days before- not everyone living close by.

Max did.

Still he was almost the hardest one to text or call- Charles always needing some good excuse or the presence of another driver to feel like it warranted and deserved Max's attention. Inviting him for dinner or a night out just the two of them- just didn't feel important enough.

He tries to push the thought to the side as he feels a hand through his hair, yawning as he finally feels the private jet start to descend and the pressure slowly begin to make his ears pop. He listens idly as Max and Daniel speaks about the weekend but right now he's just enjoying the presence of the Dutch drivers shoulder still pressed against his own and how his clothes smell like the warm cologne that Max wears.

They touch down finally, get their bags and they're all soon packed into the back of a cab to take them to their hotel- Max sits between them and Charles takes the freedom to lean against him in the car as well. Just having Max near makes him sleepy in a way that he can't describe, even after having slept a whole day away and arriving in the early evening in Abu Dhabi. Max doesn't seem to mind and Daniel doesn't mention it, seemingly too busy with his phone and whatever music he's playing anyways.

"You feel okay, not getting sick are you?" Max asks, putting a hand to Charles knee and rubs it idly with his thumb before smiling some and Charles can hear his heart beat in his fucking ears.

Max is holding his leg like any friend would- Charles is leaning against him damnit, so it shouldn't be weird. Still it sends his heart soaring and his hands feel shaky where they lay in his own lap.

"No, I'm sorry. I feel great. I think I just got too comfortable sleeping on you before, you know?" Charles almost whispers out, chuckling some and Max does as well.

"Yeah? That's okay... I slept good too. You have these little snores that put me right to sleep." 

"I have not!" Charles laughs properly, pulling away just enough to look at Max before he's promptly laying his head back down onto the others shoulder- the both of them having grown used to it now it seems as Max gentle adjusts by pushing his shoulder back.

"You do. But I promise I wont mention it again..."

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