16. Expectations placed upon us

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CW for this chapter: Nothing really. Max is nervous and Charles is there for him.

The day before.

Max Verstappen

The day together is spent makeup shopping. It's different- but it's fun- to look at different makeup tutorials to know what to do. And buy the most expensive shit. Obviously that would work best? At least that's what Charles said, but Max is convinced that the other just wanted that Dior lipstick for himself, because how is that supposed to help with the hickeys?

Anything for Charles he thinks as he slides his card into the card reader.

They then spend the evening back home, sharing a bottle of wine over some good food and trying different techniques on how to cover up their hickeys.

It's fun and they end up laughing, kissing and maybe touching bit more than necessary- but that might just be the wine and maybe some nerves too. They decided that this was it after all.

"You still feel sure about this, right Charlie?" Max muttered as he comes to hand feed Charles one of the olives on their big shared charcuterie board.

"For sure. I mean fuck- we can't keep dancing around it. You're my boyfriend... the entire grid knows it now and it's time the rest of the world to know too. Don't you think?"

"Yeah..." Max can't help but to grin, coming to wipe Charles' bottom lip with his thumb before pulling away. He pops his thumb in his mouth to taste the salty and vinegary taste of the oil that the olives had been dipped in. He's pleased to see that it makes Charles flush up a little and really? Max wasn't much better, grinning as he cocks his head to the side.

"I can't wait for the world to know... I can't wait to kiss you up on a podium and get to hold your hand when out... and uhm...-" Max begins before he's hesitating just a little, but Charles small smile and gentle eyes make it hard not to continue. "I know it's early and I know it sounds drastic but I've been thinking about if maybe...- we could live together? We could try i out at least. For like a month. And see what we think at least?"

Charles's smile grows into a grin and he's soon up on his knees on the couch with his arms around Max's neck. Max hopes that this is a good sign and his suspicions are soon answered as Charles laughs and nods.

"Please, Max." He speaks softly and Max just grins as he nods along as well. "We'll try it out, okay? But yeah... I really want that."

"We'll try it out... maybe after tomorrow we can go get some of my things?" Charles lights up even brighter at the suggestion and Max can't help but to smile as well at seeing the other so pleased. It's been a wild few weeks and it's going to be a heavy day for them both. So he wants to do anything he can to keep Charles just as happy as he looks now.


Max does his best in doing so as the next day comes. It's about to be a heavy day and Max wants to keep his love happy.

As they get ready in the morning with the make up to cover their hickeys- he compliments the sheer lipstick that Charles puts on. It's barely visible, more like a lip balm- an almost $50 lip balm but Charles lights up so bright as Max compliments it that Max would buy him five more in an instant if only asked.

He then styles Charles hair for him- the best he can and makes sure to kiss Charles extra long before they have to leave. They take Charles car, but Max decides to drive. The Ferrari roars around them as they drive towards where they'd promised to meet with Chris, in the same damn building they'd met that FIA representative.

Max feels stiff in his navy suit and his belt feels too tight- his hair feels sticky with gel and everything is a little too real now that they're here but it's like Charles knows. The moment they step out of Charles' car and the moment they're next to each other, Charles hands... -his perfect and thoughtful Charles. His beautiful Charles in his cream colored suit and little sun glasses, his many rings and pretty smile. His Charles hands come to rest over his chest to try and calm the racing heart inside of it.

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