13. Mine all mine

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CW For this chapter: Charles is hurt. Mention of violence. Sad vibes, just a little sad chapter tbh. Max and Charles have sort of made up- not really. Daniel is the real MVP.

Max Verstappen

Max sits silent in the car as Daniel drives, he sniffles softly and takes little shaking breaths- but he doesn't say anything. Daniel is pretty much the only man he feels comfortable enough to cry around except Charles- so he doesn't feel the need to speak. He just sits, feeling the comfort of Daniels hand on his knee- feeling over his sweats some as he drives. Daniel is a good friend, but that doesn't stop Max's crying and the feeling that everything was just so messy now.

It's like the world knows that it's an awful day right now, rain once again pouring outside, hitting the windshield and the early morning is dawning- the sun starting to turn the sky from a dark blue to a soft almost purple.

It would've been a great morning, Max thinks- if he didn't need to go and pick up his... well, Charles wasn't his but he was Max's problem right now- from the damn police station.

Not to mention that his dad had been sent off to the emergency room to be checked out, Max's heart making uncomfortable jumps in his chest at the thought. Not so much because he was worried about his dad, more so worried about Charles and his career. What would Ferrari say, what would the FIA say and what would his father say once out of the hospital. Max didn't put it past him to talk.

"Charles... He's still a little upset, Max. I know you're probably a bit mad at him but try and go easy." Daniel speaks up and Max wants to tell him to fuck off, to not tell him what to feel- but deep down he knows that Daniel is right so he's nodding just a little. He'd have to be careful with Charles now, he knows that- despite being a bit shaky himself. He still wasn't sure if he was proud of him or very fucking disappointed.


They arrive at the station soon enough, Max isn't really aware of most of the ride, just sort of sitting there. He has his hand placed on Daniels the whole way there, feeling over the back of his hand the way he wished he could feel over Charles'- but the world just couldn't give him a break? could it.

Stepping in, talking to the officers- seeing Charles sitting there on a chair in a room with his face looking almost unrecognizable. Max feels sick. Charles looks small and he's staring down into his lap, his shoulders crumpled in on themselves and he doesn't even look up or react to Max and Daniel walking in.

Max takes a shaky little breath before the officer is explaining Charles' charges, what had happened- how they'd found them. Charles had been on top of his dad? He'd punched him? Max needs a break, his head feels fuzzy and it seems that Daniel can tell, coming to scoot up a chair for Max to sit in- all as Max still just stares at the man before him. Charles doesn't look like himself.

"How... How did Dani get here? Why did you know before me?" Max manages to speak up, the question feeling the easiest to ask right now and Daniel gives a little apologetic smile before he's answering.

"Out for drinks with a few of the boys... wasn't important, but I was on my way home when I saw Charles being pushed into the back of the cop car. I knew it was him. So I followed to understand what happened before calling you... just very good, or bad- timing." Daniel explains plainly enough and Max nods, hands hidden in his hoodie pocket and his shoulders are raised high. He isn't comfortable at all- here, talking to Charles, talking to the officers, in his pajamas.

So once again he asks an easier question, this time directed towards the officer.

"Can Charles come back home?" The officer, an older woman purses her lips before she's giving a small sigh and a little nod Max's way- and Max feels a weight drop from his shoulders before he's looking to Charles. He just listens to the officer speak as he does, eyes scanning Charles' face.

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