The footsteps

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The footsteps approached the innocent boy. The footsteps didn't sound heavy, but rather light. The shadow of the person walking by was covering Toshinori's makeshift house. Toshinori immediately took notice of the shadow and turned his head around to take a look. It was a man walking by and he was wearing a neat suit. The kid couldn't see his face, it seemed to be covered but he couldn't see by what.
Wait a moment, Toshinori recognised this man, it's the man he saw before! He quickly hid as best as he could from the tall man. He hoped that he wouldn't get caught, it could cost him his life. Toshinori felt a weird feeling dwelling up inside of him when he looked at the man, a weird feeling of familiarity. Why was he feeling this? He didn't know that man at all. Suddenly the mysterious man spoke: "What's a boy like you doing all alone? Shouldn't you in bed?" Toshinori's eyes widened and he covered his mouth with both of his hands. He held his hands on his mouth with a lot of force, scared to make a sound. Maybe the man was bluffing? He prayed that the man was bluffing.
Suddenly the tall man lifted a big piece of rubbish  up that served as a ceiling. Toshinori was now exposed and looked straight at the intimidating man. The mysterious man spoke again: "It's quite rude to ignore someone's question. Answer me, boy. What are you doing all alone here? This area isn't safe. You don't look that old either, where's your family, hm?" Toshinori looked at the man completely dumbfounded, he was frozen in fear. Toshinori softly spoke with a shaky voice: "I-I was sleeping here, sir. My family isn't here right now. It's nothing important." The tall man tilted his head to the side, he seemed to be a bit confused with the kid. The tall man didn't speak another word and dropped the piece of rubbish on the ground. The man turned around and walked away again. Toshinori's heart had been beating like crazy because of this crazy encounter, but he was relieved to see the man walking away again. What the hell just happened? he thought to himself. He looked at the direction that the man was walking at and he suddenly disappeared in the shadows. Toshinori's eyes widened when the man just disappeared like that. "Sir?" Toshinori exclaimed in a confused tone and got out of his little safe place. He walked to place where he saw the man disappear. "Sir? Hello?" His voice sounded shaky and he looked around to find the man. It was as silent as it could be, this silence was creeping him out. He could hear his own breathing and his heart beating loudly in his chest. He didn't hear footsteps anywhere, the man had just disappeared like that.
"What the..." Toshinori looked around again to check another time. He looked down at the footprints that the tall man had left, they just stopped randomly and didn't continue. "Must've been his quirk." Toshinori sighed in relief now he was alone again and turned back to his makeshift house yet again. He put the piece that served like a ceiling back in it's place. "Wait a moment... didn't that man already have that weird tentacle-like power? Maybe it was just my imagination, just like always." He exhaled slowly and kneeled in front of the 'house'. He crawled back inside and covered himself up with the random pieces of cloth to keep him warm. "My head should stop making all these things up, they're creepy." The boy curled up again and used his arms as his pillow again. "Maybe this is all a dream, what if I'm not even real?" There was a silence until the boy spoke yet again: "I should stop talking to myself..." His eyes closed themselves again, but all these weird situations kept repeating in his head. It just all felt so off, it didn't feel like his own imagination, this all felt too real. After an hour of thinking about the situation the boy fell asleep. He didn't wake up until the morning came. The sun slowly rose and started to light up the world again. The clouds were barely there anymore and it had stopped snowing, but the world was still covered in a thick white layer. The sun shines right on Toshinori's face, causing him to wake up slowly. He yawned and looked around still half asleep. The kid wiped his bangs out of his face and tucked them both behind his ears.
The boy looked at the ground and noticed a puddle of water, must be molten snow. He leaned further forward and looked at his reflection. "Goodmorning, Toshinori!" the boy exclaimed to his reflection and smiled. He spoke again to his reflection and said: "You look like you should lay back down and go back to sleep." Toshinori tilted his head at his reflection and his smile widened slightly. "Will do!" The boy was done talking to himself and laid back down on the warm spot he had created throughout the night. He snuggled into the cloth and covered his face with his arms. "So warm..." he mumbled in a soft and raspy tone. Right when he was dozing off he could hear his stomach growling. He ignored it and just tried to fall asleep. He was starting to doze off again and then his stomach growled again. He groaned loudly in annoyance and sat up. He couldn't deny that he was in fact hungry, but he doesn't have any food on him. He slowly got out of the little 'house' and stretched dramatically. The cold quickly got to him and he grabbed a few pieces of cloth. He stuffed the cloth into his clothes to keep him warm and bit better. He then wandered off, out of the alleyway. Slowly but surely he reached the good part of the city again, he immediately took notice of it when the delicious smells of fresh food filled his nose. Oh it smelled so good! His stomach growled again and this time he was annoyed of it. He punched himself in the stomach to make it stop, causing him to almost drop down to his knees. "Ouch, fuck!" he yelled out and softly groaned because of the pain he just gave himself. He slowly walked further into the city and found the stands with food. He slowly wandered past all the stands and took a good sniff every single time.
After five minutes he reached the most basic stand of all: the fruit stand. He looked at the big and juicy apples in front of him and he could feel his mouth water. He reached into his pocket but quickly found out he didn't have enough money for a single apple. "Oh fuck my life... like... actually." he softly whispered to himself and stared at the few coins in his hand. The owner of the stand wasn't looking at him, they were talking to a few customers. The kid grabbed one of these apples in his hand and put all the money he had on the counter. At this point he quickly ran away as fast as he could with the apple in his hand. The owner of the stand had caught him, he was in very big trouble! The owner yelled: "Thief! Thief! Stop the thief! It's the blonde boy with the weird hairstyle!" Toshinori ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He ran into some random alleyways and tried to loose anyone who was possibly following him. He could hear the sounds of footsteps following him and knew that he wasn't safe yet. He had to run!
The boy was panting and started getting tired. He started to slow down and loose most of his speed. The kid heard more voices behind him: "Thief! Thief! There he is, he's loosing speed! Get him!"
The youngster sighed deeply and ran for a few seconds with his eyes closed; he felt so tired. He navigated himself trough the alleyways and streets as best he could. He then chocked on his own spit and started coughing, causing him to loose even more speed and stop running. He was walking now, being way slower than the people behind him. He turned his head around and started getting scared. He didn't want to get caught! He started running with the last energy he had while occasionally coughing. He hadn't eaten in so long and his body was just too tired to continue. While he was running he started seeing little stars and got dizzy. He couldn't see where he was running anymore and stumbled over a loose rock. He fell face first onto the street and lost his vision. The kid heard the vague voices coming closer but couldn't move his body. What was happening, why wouldn't his body move? He could feel his consciousness slipping away, his body went limp. His face felt like it was burning and he felt a weird wet sensation, must be blood. His hand let go of the apple and it rolled away in front of him. Toshinori only thought one thing at this moment: I'm in big trouble... shit.

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