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Toshinori just seemed to be upset. He always seemed like a bright boy when he needed to, but that same brightness disappeared the moment he was alone again most of the time. He was good at pretending, he had always been good at hiding his emotions. He continued to lay on his side in the hospital bed. Constantly he heard a soft beeping sound, but hadn't figured out where it came from exactly. He started to get tired of it and sat up. He looked behind him and saw a monitor showing several coloured lines and some numbers. There were wires coming from the machine and Toshinori carefully inspected where they were leading to. His eyes followed the wire and eventually he was looking right at his own chest. He pulled the collar of his hospital gown and saw how there were stickers attached to his skin. It suddenly clicked in his head, it was keeping track of his vitals!
The boy curiously fiddled with the wires and wondered how it worked exactly. "This is crazy, eh?" he softly said to himself and seemed a bit brightened up. He got easily carried away with random stuff, and right now he was just interested in how all these things worked.
"Be careful with those, or else we'll think you've flatlined." a voice suddenly sounded from the corridor. It was just another random nurse who happened to see what he was doing. It scared the shit out of Toshinori for sure, and it was seen on the monitor as the line of his heart rate suddenly spiked. He felt his heart racing and some sweat forming on his forehead. The nurse had already walked away but the boy was still reliving the moment. He let go of the wires for sure and was too scared to be touching them again. He deeply inhaled and slowly exhaled. He laid back down on his back and looked up to the ceiling. He had nothing to do and it was just so boring in here, he wanted to get out of the hospital but at the same time he wanted to stay... it's way better in here than outside after all. He wiped his bangs out of his face and looked around once more. He pointed up to the ceiling tiles and counted them one by one. "One, two, three, four.. five.. six.. seven... eight....." Toshinori already got bored of counting them and he groaned in annoyance. He kicked the blanket off of him in a rather aggressive way and it ended up on the ground.
Within the same minute the nurse from before walked in. She carried a notebook with some papers pinned onto it as well. "Ah, Toshinori, there you are! You seem to be in a bit of a bad mood? Must be boring in here, right?" the nurse spoke in a calm tone just like before. The kid visibly froze up again, his face slightly lost its colour. Suddenly he was too shy to speak again. The nurse walked up to his bedside and flipped a page. "Lost your tongue? I've heard you speak to yourself already, you do that a lot. Why won't you speak to me though? You've only ever said your own name." The nurse tilted her head slightly to the side and she seemed to feel bad for him. "I've tried searching your name in the system but there wasn't a lot to be found about you. Just about when you were born and a few times after that. I searched your family tree but all of them say deceased. You're alone aren't you?" the nurse didn't like saying this out loud and felt pity for the boy. Toshinori remained silent and his face started going red, the same red as when you're about to cry. The boy's vision started to blur due to his eyes watering. He clearly fought and tried not to cry, but it didn't seem to be going very well. A tear dripped down his cheek and hit his bandaged arm. The nurse softly sighed and continued: "Have you been to school before?" The kid turned his head away. "You're not signed in anywhere currently. Not for a school nor an orphanage or an adoptive family or anything in that direction." the nurse spoke, a bit more gentle. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly and she spoke a bit more firm now: "You do understand that it cant stay like this, right?"
The boy's eyes widened and his head quickly turned to the nurse. He felt his heart staring to race and he felt an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. "No!" he yelled out so suddenly. His tears worsened and started dripping down below. The nurse was surprised by his sudden action and did a step back from the shock. She had almost dropped her notebook. "Toshinori, I understand that you may not like it, but you can't stay on the streets. You're below the target weight of someone your age and height, you do understand that a kid shouldn't be living alone, especially not on the streets. You may feel like you're mature enough but you aren't. You don't have an income and you're in pure survival-mode right now." the nurse exclaimed a bit more strict because she had to make it clear to the boy. Toshinori was frowning right now and clearly didn't want to work along. "Kid... just listen. Tomorrow people from the orphanage nearby will come and take you to your new home. There you'll be safe. It's not as bad as it may seem. They'll help you."
The youngster didn't seem to be taking her words to heart. He frowned even more and finally opened his mouth up: "I'm not going anywhere other than back where I came from! I don't need anyone's help! I will-" He got cut off by the nurse putting a gentle hand on his shoulder and shushing him. The kid's gaze softened up and went back to being a bit shy again. Yelling aggressively wasn't like him at all and he apologised: "Sorry..." he mumbled softly and sniffled. The nurse kneeled down and put her other hand on his other shoulder as well. She gently squeezed into his shoulders and gave him a smile. "It's alright, it's okay to be frustrated. You must've seen a lot of horrible stuff out there on the streets, haven't you?" the nurse tried reassuring him. The kid suddenly thought back to the alleyway he was in before he ended up in the hospital. He suddenly saw it all happening again in his mind. That strange man he had dreamt about and seen before murdered someone back then. A chill went down Toshinori's spine and the nurse noticed. "I reminded you of something gruesome, didn't I? Sorry kid." the nurse said in a guilty tone and gently rubbed her thumbs over his shoulders. "Just stay strong. Whatever you just remembered, just know that you're safe from now on, okay? -and remember, you'll get picked up tomorrow at noon. I'll be there to transfer you over since I took care of you the most last days."
Toshinori's mind suddenly jumped back to current. Did she just say days? He had been out for... days? "Days?" he asked.
The nurse let go of him and stood back up. She nodded and spoke: "Yes, days. You made quite the smacker back there. Your body is weakened from not having enough food and other necessary stuff, so it took a bit longer than usual for you to wake back up and come back to your senses again. You were just exhausted, boy."
"Oh..." Toshi said a bit embarrassed. He felt like he had been a trouble to the doctors and nurses. They all must've worked hard for him to heal up properly. He looked down at his bandaged arms and frowned a little. "Sorry..." he mumbled as tears started swelling in his eyes again.
"Oh no kid, don't feel sorry. It's our job to make people better again, and you clearly needed our help. I only want you to do one thing for us, okay?" Toshinori nodded at the nurse and listened. "Just keep resting well until you're all better again." He seemed to be confused by the simple offer but agreed to it. The woman smiled at the boy and grabbed his blanket off of the ground. She shook the blanket and then put it back over the boy. "-and maybe don't aggressively throw your blanket on the ground, hm?" Toshinori went red in embarrassment and made tons of little bows as an apology. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" He said rather quick and the nurse just laughed at him. She seemed to be joking and did a few steps back. "I was kidding. Even if you had decided to burn the blanket somehow, we would've gotten you a new one." Toshinori continued to look at her dumbfounded with his bright red face. He felt so embarrassed, he couldn't help it. The nurse walked out of the room again and left the boy alone.
He neatly laid down and pulled the blanket over himself. He yawned and looked outside, he quickly figured it was getting late. He shrugged and thought it would be the best if he just tried to sleep some more. They'd wake him up anyway if they needed something from him. He stretched himself out and turned onto his side, facing the window. But the thought about him getting sent to an orphanage was lowkey haunting him. He didn't want to go, he was scared. He knew it would be better for him but still... it's new and scary. What if they'll bully him, what if they'll hate him? The thoughts continued to race through his mind. What is he gonna do?

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