The van

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Toshinori continued to look down upon the van. He felt nauseous the longer he looked at it. A group of big men stepped out and they looked intimidating. His heart rate started to speed up and he looked back at the clock to double check. "Fuck..." the boy groaned out softly. They were coming for him and he didn't like it the slightest bit. He had been fine with the idea of going to an orphanage, but he had changed opinions on that. The youngster didn't know what to do, he was frozen for a brief moment. He needed to get out of there!
The blonde started looking around for any escape routes. He couldn't take the risk of the halls, so there was only one option left... the window. He grasped onto the handle of the window and twisted it. He pulled the window open and bent his body through the frame. He was on the first floor, which wasn't too high, but it was definitely not fun to look down. He felt his legs slightly tremble but it was the only way to get out. He had healed up more than enough to be safe outside again. A deep sigh could be heard from him and he carefully shoved one leg through the window, basically sitting on the frame right now. "Come on Toshi, it's only the first floor... what's the worst thing that can happen?" he muttered to himself and looked back into the room. There were footsteps approaching and he couldn't tell if it were nurses or those men. He quickly looked back down out of the window again and he put his other leg outside too. The teenager was sitting there, doubting if this was going to end well. His heart felt as if it was about to pop right out of his chest. His face scrunched up and his eyes closed themselves tightly. "A route... a route... a route..." he desperately mumbled as his eyes slowly opened again. He couldn't just jump straight down, he'd end up breaking his legs. He inspected the wall underneath the window a bit closer and noticed some ledges. If only he just carefully climbed down as far as possible by using those ledges...
He grabbed the frame of the window and started to twist his body in such a way so he'd be hanging from the frame. The second he hung there he just wanted it to end already, why did he decide to do this?!
Carefully one of his hands reached to the ledge underneath and let go of the frame. Both his hands were quickly placed onto the ledge and he held on for dear life. He was hanging lower now, and there were a few more ledges underneath this one. If only he didn't fall down it would go alright. He made the stupid mistake to look down once more and he let out a soft whine. "Oh please, mama help me.." he mumbled under his breath and he felt his eyes water slightly. He took a deep breath and repeated the process as quick as he could to get down. After a minute he was down on the lowest ledge, hanging about his own length above the ground. One more sigh could be heard before he let go and let himself fall. He landed onto his feet, falling back over onto his butt the second after landing in the first place.
The blonde groaned loudly and got onto his knees, rubbing his butt to ease the pain.
Suddenly he heard male voices coming from 'his' window. "Where's the boy?" "He's supposed to be ready." "Did you guys make a mistake again?" the male voices sounded. Toshinori stood up and looked up to the window to try and see if he could look through from this angle. He accidentally made eye contact with one of the big guys that were supposed to take him. The guy pointed at the youngster and yelled: "There he is! He's outside! He's planning to escape!" Toshinori's fight or flight instantly kicked in and he made sure to run as fast as his legs could carry him. He was a bit out of shape due to being in the hospital for a while but they took great care of him there, causing him to have enough energy to keep running for a while! He made sure to hide into the alleyways like he always did when being chased. He wasn't familiar in this 'nice' part of the city. He didn't know the way at all and just kept running until he got tired. He ended on the open streets again and took a brief moment to gain his breath. He looked down at himself and noticed a horrible mistake he had made... he was still wearing that bright blue hospital gown. Oh shit... he thought to himself and did a few steps back into the alleyway again to hide. Nobody seemed to have noticed anything, thank god for the boy. He felt cornered, he definitely looked like an escaped patient right now, which he was. His head slowly turned back when he saw a big dumpster that belonged to a store from this street. He peeked into the streets one more time and noticed how there were all different kinds of shops, the closest one being a clothing shop. He pressed his hands together and did the smallest prayer that there would be clothes in the dumpster. He took a deep breath and walked up to the dumpster, opening it and peeking inside. "Jackpot!" He yelled happily as he noticed this was indeed the dumpster of the clothing shop, and there were 'ruined' clothes in there. He grabbed some random clothes and tried to match an outfit of some sort that would be his size. He ended up putting on some sort of tracksuit. It was a bit on the big side but it's blue, one of his favourite colours for sure! He ditched the hospital gown in the dumpster and he walked back out on the streets. Luckily nobody was looking at him weird, he just passed as a normal teenager to anyone. He couldn't help but feel a bit confident in his 'new' clothes. They looked brand-new, something he hadn't had in ages! He started walking more confident and a small smile appeared on that pretty face of his. He tucked his bangs behind his ears and looked around. He couldn't just stay here, they'd find him in no time, but where could he possibly go? There's nowhere he can go...
After a while of walking down the streets he started slumping again, his confidence being nowhere as strong anymore. He stopped in his tracks in front of a store that sold electronics. Big televisions in all different sizes and qualities were behind the window showing the news. He curiously looked up to those screens and followed the news. The news was about some villain-attack that had happened close by. A hero was getting interviewed about clearing the evil. Toshinori couldn't help but be invested. The hero was a tall woman and she looked absolutely beautiful. He was trying to figure out her quirk but couldn't really guess it. The woman had this fierce expression but he felt something off about her. It felt as if she was feeling empty or something in that direction. Seeing someone presumably feel that way made Toshinori feel bad. The youngster looked down for a second and turned his head away. He started walking further down the streets again. The blonde boy shrugged it off and continued his path. He slowly started to end up in the 'darker' part of the city where crimes were awfully common. While walking further and further he looked at the wall next to him where his shadow was. He made some small waves to play with the shadow to try and keep himself amused, but then he noticed something off... further behind him was another shadow but he couldn't see anyone. He just blamed it on his imagination, his mind did trick him often after all. He thought nothing important of it but started getting a weird gut feeling... he started feeling nauseous and uncomfortable... then when he least expected it he felt a hand grab his throat and smack him into the wall. A loud thud, followed by a grunt could be heard. The blonde felt dizzy and looked at the figure in front of him. It was some tall creepy guy who had a lot of physical power. That hand was still around his throat and it made him feel rather scared. The buff guy who was holding him against that wall spoke with a creepy and flirty tone: "What do we have here, huh? Aren't you a bit young to be wandering the streets alone? What are you? 13? 14?" Toshinori froze up in fear and frowned, he remained dead-silent. The guy spoke up again, more flirtatious than first: "You're such a pretty boy though, I could use you.." The man's other hand reached over to his waist and lifted his vest up slightly to reveal a small part of his body. The young boy felt sick to his stomach and used both his arms to push his hand off of his waist. "Oh? Being fierce aren't we? I like fighters.." the man chuckled sinisterly and tightened the grip on his throat. He then laughed loudly and smacked the boy another time against the wall, causing him to become a bit disoriented and a lot more dizzy. "We're going to have so much fun!" The man said happily and stroked Toshinori's cheek. The man then forced the poor kid onto his knees and laughed at him. It was obvious what the guy wanted to do, but before the man could even do anything to the kid a fierce voice yelled: "Hey! Get your filthy hands off of that kid!"

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