The morning

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Hours had passed and the first sunbeams started to enter the room. One of the beams hit Toshinori right in the face. His eyelids slowly lifted themselves and his bright blue eyes were revealed once again. His pupils were still getting used to the light, causing the boy to cover his face with the blanket. He softly groaned and turned onto his back. Slowly but surely he pulled the blanket off of his face again. He frowned for a brief moment and then sat up. He was still waking up and his thoughts were still going slow. His face lifted itself slightly and his eyes pointed to the clock. "Seven? Ugh, that's way too early!" He sounded annoyed with it, he laid himself back down and turned onto his other side, his back facing the window. His cheek nuzzled against the pillow, burying itself further into it. Toshinori started thinking to himself: I feel like I'm forgetting something, didn't the nurse say something that was gonna happen today? I don't know... they all talk too much. He sighed and figured it was still too bright for his liking. He pulled gently on his bangs and crossed them over his eyes, then he pulled the blanket completely over his face. His thought continued: Noon... something was gonna happen at noon... but what? The kid started going over all the possibilities. "Didn't they say that..." he mumbled softly and then it hit him again. "Orphanage..." That word continued spinning through his thoughts. He thought about how it was all going to happen.
Toshinori groaned rather loud this time in annoyance, but not loud enough to disturb anyone. The kid had a whole room to himself after all. At this moment he seemed to be struggling with himself, the word 'orphanage' kept repeating over and over in his mind, louder and louder. He felt heat under his eyes and not even a second later he felt his eyes starting to water. He desperately tried to hold his tears in but eventually they broke through anyway. Some small sobs could be heard coming from underneath the blanket. His hands reached up to his face and covered it up for about a minute, then he wrapped his arms around his own body, attempting to recreate the feeling of a hug. The sobs got slightly louder and he pulled his knees up to his chest. He felt miserable... so miserable.
The door to his room suddenly swung open and a random nurse came in to check in on him. The nurse looked at the boy covered by the blanket and heard his little sobs and sniffling. The nurse carefully walked up to the bed and gently pulled the blanket off of his face. "Hey... I heard you crying the second I opened the room. Why are you crying?" the nurse asked him on a gentle tone. Toshinori looked like a complete mess right now and covered his face in total embarrassment. The nurse tilted her head to the left ever so slightly and kneeled next to his bed. "It's the first time I've seen you awake, and you're crying. A handsome boy like you shouldn't be crying, a smile would suit you better, hm?" She put a gentle hand on the top of his head to comfort him. With her other hand she wiped his bangs out of his face. "Don't put your hair all up against your face when you're crying... all your tears and snot will get in your pretty blonde hair." The nurse sighed softly and stood back up. She looked at her notebook, because all the info on the patients was written in there. "Ah... Toshinori, eh? Are you just nervous about being sent to the orphanage? If I was in your place I would've been in a worse state probably, I should be looking up to you for being so brave." the nurse said to encourage him a little. Toshinori finally opened his eyes and looked at the nurse. She wasn't too tall, her skin was dark and she had dark eyes. The boy felt a weird safe feeling now she was here, he kind of liked her. He sat up a little and wiped his tears away with his bare hands. "Let me get you a tissue, that'll work a lot better than just your hands." The nurse turned around and grabbed a tissue from the dispenser on the wall and then brought it back to the boy. She wiped away his tears and the snot that had been dripping from his nose. "There you go, all cleaned up for now. Now that I can finally see you awake and well, I must say that I've never seen anyone with such bright blue eyes as you." The woman thought to herself for a bit of what to say to the kid next. "Do you like heroes?" she asked and the boy immediately nodded eagerly. She chuckled and then said: "Did you know the colour blue stands for justice? Your eyes are really bright blue, does that mean you also stand for justice?" she said with a smile and once again the boy nodded. Toshinori had always liked justice, he loved when criminals got their deserved justice for doing something really bad. The woman loved his eager reactions to her questions. "So Toshinori likes and stands for justice, huh? Will you become apart of our next generation of heroes?" Toshinori was about to open his mouth to answer before they got interrupted by another nurse: "Quit stoking the boy, he's just a quirkless failure. Stay away from him and be careful." Toshinori gaze turned to an embarrassed one again and he looked down. The nurse that was by his side frowned and turned around. "Don't treat people like they are a disease!" she yelled angrily back at that random nurse in the corridor. Toshinori was certainly surprised to hear that coming from such a sweet looking nurse. "Wow..." he said on a really soft tone. It was the first word he had said to her. The woman laughed and gave him a small shoulder pat. "Some of my colleagues can be so mean, especially her. Whenever we have a quirkless she starts acting mean and treating them like scum. Powers or not, we're all human." The nurse then checked to see if his vitals were okay, and they obviously were. She unbuttoned a few buttons of his hospital gown and she took off the wires along with the stickers. "There's nothing wrong with you, that's for sure. I'm going to take your IV out as well, it may feel a bit nasty..." She carefully removed the IV on the proper way and held a gauze down onto the small wound. She put a piece of tape over the gauze so it would stay and then let go of him again. "There you go, you've been freed from these machines. Now you can get out of bed yourself if you'd want to, just don't get out of your room, that's not allowed..."
Toshinori nodded and bent his arm a couple of times since it felt a bit sore. "Thank you" he said slightly awkward. "I appreciate it, really." the boy mumbled and looked away for a brief moment.
The nurse smiled at him and gave him a little nod. "You're welcome. Just don't worry too much about the orphanage, okay? Everyone says the kids get treated well, your case will be no different."
The boy remained silent for a bit and couldn't really imagine how the orphanage would look, it seemed like a big mystery to him. He had no idea how it would go down but all he knew was that he was afraid of the unknown, afraid of how his life will be after he's brought to the orphanage. The nurse frowned slightly as she noticed his worry. "You'll be in good hands, Toshinori." The kid didn't seem too sure about it but he didn't have a choice after all, he was going to that orphanage no matter if he wanted it or not. A small sigh escaped the blonde's lips. The nurse slowly got up again and she petted him a couple of times on the head to reassure him, she then turned around and left him alone in the hospital room again. The nurse had to assist her colleagues after all and couldn't stay forever. The blonde just laid down on his back again and stared up to the ceiling. Just for a moment his eyes closed... or so he thought. He opened them again after what felt just a moment, but actually it had been hours and it was almost noon.
The young boy sat up and carefully lifted his legs over the edge of the bed, his toes touching the floor. Slowly he lifted himself up and stood on his legs. He felt stiff from being in that bed for so long. Because of the stiffness he stretched himself out and waddled to the window. His nose was almost pressed up against the window as he was looking down. He noticed a van stopping near the entrance and it gave him this weird gut feeling. He turned his head to check the time and noticed how it had just became noon. The van, the time... Toshinori's eyes widened in an instant. They were here to pick him up!

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