chapter 6♡

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Hi petals, welcome no nect chapter hopes all will like it and we have low readers for our book please comment me if you love this book...
I am not good at writing flashback🤧 so forgive me😁
Ignores the mistake!


The sun look beautiful its showers love and happiness of new start for the day!
The light has passed inside the house through the big windows.
Here morning start with love!

The family in non other than jeon family. The happy lovely family.

"Kookie, wake up baby " mrs. Jeon call the boy who is sleeping while hugging his pulshie

"Emmoa, 5 more minutes let kookie sleep🤧"he turn to other side and back to sleep again. Mrs. Jeon pass a smile ruffled the hair of the little boy and speak

"We gona meet uncle kim, dont you wanna come"the sleepy  boy wakes up pass a smile aww he look like Bunny
"Yo i wanna come, you should tell me let kookie ready"mrs. Jeon chuckle.

"Emmoa when gukkie gona come, i miss him" he pout.

"He will comes soon baby, he need to win the competition na"he nodded."okey baby fresh up and comes down okey baby."kookie nodded his head and went to  bathroom for the daily routine.

Jeon family now gathered in dining table,

"Cherry,  my pancakes give back!"little kookie was arguing with his hyung.

"Aish for god sake i am your hyung kookie call me that i will gives you it " kook show his puppy eyes to him and our coups cant resists it so he gaves to kook.

"You are best my cherry!"kookie clapped his little hands and everyone cooced in it.

"Mom namjoon hyung and yoongi hyung is not here where are they"

"They alredy left to kim mansion "kook eyes wide bigger.
"What- the went without taking kookie thats not fair i wont talk to him anymore "kook pout.

"Kook you are going their only to meet your taetae 😌 not kim uncle" kook blushed and glare cutely at scoups.
"Ya stop brat dont tease my son "mr. Jeon say."still true kookie -"

"APPA you too making fun of kookie, i will tell emmoa you help 😌a girl and she call you handsome -"mr. Jeon put hands in Jungkook mouth but unfortunately mrs. Jeon hear it.

"What she say baby" mrs. Jeon say in calmly while glaring her husband.

"Emmoa we went to mall and appa help a girl and she say appa os handsome and appa say she is more beautiful  and say appa is married or else i will marry you"kook say with innocent eyes. Mrs. Jeon glare at his husband who gulp in fear and was to run from their but too late -

"You mr. Jeon hyung-so, i will see you later after coming back from kim mansion" evryone suppressed  their laugh well no morr option. After a long argue all headed toward kim mansion which is only three kilometers.

Reaching their jungkook open the door and run inside kim mansion

"Mom yoy sure this bunny is our or he is from kim mansion"mrs. Jeon chuckle the statement.

"Yeah-he loves everyone special his taetae 😌"all chuckled.

"Hey buddy-" greeted him with a hug well evryone.

"Where is kookie 👀" he ask confusely beacuse he is the one always first be inside.

"He alredy inside uncle kim"mr. Kim gasped he let evryone enter inside the house and makes them sit on the living room. Yoongi  amd namjoon was present their.

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