Chapter 46 - Poison.

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It was early morning when I woke up. I got out of bed, rubbing the nightmares away from my eyes as I put on my slippers, dragging my feet to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Why are you awake?" I heard a mutter when I entered the room. I poured myself water and leaned against the counter, watching Anti who was sitting at the table.

"Had a nightmare." I replied shortly. "Why are you awake?" I added.

"Not tired." He replied but the dark bags under his eyes signed otherwise.

"Can I do anything?" I asked, placing the cup on the counter.

"No." The demon growled.

"Come on... I can't read minds like you, but I know when something's wrong..." I muttered.

"Don't forget your place, your attempt at friendliness is not welcomed." He hissed.

"Fine, be like that." I snarled back. "Waste our time with your stubbornness, master."

"I really hate your attitude, do you know that?" The demon stood up.

"You've told me once or twice." I joked and folded my arms as I waited.

"Were you planning on going back to sleep?" He stopped in front of me.

"Not really." I replied watching the demon's eyes as they glowed neon green.

"Come with me then." His voice dropped.

My mind stayed blank as I got to his couch, sitting and watching the man as he fetched his knife and approached me. His eyes were black as he stared down at me, placing his palm on my neck. I could only guess what sort of thoughts passed through his mind as he froze in place, gaze fogged as though he was battling his own inner demons.

"Do you want to tell me what's keeping your mind busy?" I asked.

"Shut it." He growled, pressing a blade to my throat. "I didn't ask for your condolences."

"So it is about the doc..." I hummed, flinching when I felt my own blood run down my skin.

The demon pulled away. "It's none of your business." His voice distorted as he spoke.

I sighed, leaning my head against the sofa's backrest.

"I hoped he would wake up..." Anti muttered. "I was waiting... but so much time has passed, he's..." He stopped, instead leaning closer and tracing my throat with his knife.

A yelp escaped me. "It's... too deep. M-master..." My lips quivered, huffing from the pain.

"It'll heal." He reassured, his free hand going to grab my hair, finally forcing tears out of me. "And they call me crazy..." He chuckled. "You puppets are completely insane... Why would you let me do that...?"

I closed my eyes, not having a proper answer I decided to try ignoring the pain instead.

"Look at me." He pulled my hair, pressing the blade to my skin again. "Don't close your eyes... I want to see the pain in your eyes." I opened my eyes, seeing him smirking. The demon placed his palm on my mouth, muffling my scream as he cut along my arm, stopping only when he got to my very wrist. Anti released my mouth finally, grinning in delight. "Wouldn't want you to wake up the others... would we?"

My breath hitched as I tried to recover from the sudden pain, not daring to glance at my arm.

"I told you, you would regret having my blood in you." He laughed at my state. "Although it is almost nothing... Emma's body is better on that aspect. No matter what I would do to it, my blood would still keep her alive..." He smirked proudly.

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