Chapter 11 - Temper.

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It was a few days later. The scars on my throat started being itchy as they started healing and it annoyed me endlessly. I was sitting on my bed, observing the scars in a hand mirror, when all of a sudden a knock sounded on the door.

I wrapped a scarf around my neck and shoved the mirror under my pillow, hurrying to the door.

I opened it, surprised to see Dark on the other side.

"Emma woke up." He informed me and turned to leave.

"Thank you, sir." I nodded, following him.

We walked silently through the long, maze-like corridors, reaching the area I now knew belonged to the demons.

Dark knocked on the quarantine room's door, opening it soon after.

Emma was already sitting on the bed.

Dark opened his mouth to speak but I hurried to the girl, hugging her.

"I'm so glad you're awake." I let go of her and stepped back. "I missed you."

I heard footsteps behind me and turned around, seeing Anti enter the room. He leaned against the doorframe, observing us for a moment before he decided to speak. I observed his throat, seeing the cut has completely healed by now.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I... I think I'm alright?" Emma muttered, she looked completely out of it.

"Doctor?" Dark looked over at doctor Iplier.

"She's just confused because she was out for so much time... Everything is fine with her health." The doctor smiled lightly.

"What-" Anti began but stopped himself when all of us looked at him. "How is Henrik?"

"He's not in danger anymore... but he still hasn't woken up." Iplier replied.

"I see." The demon sighed. I noticed his and Dark's eyes met before he decided to leave the room.

"Good to know you're okay." Dark smiled at Emma.


A loud knock woke us up the next morning.

I opened the door, still in my pajamas, rubbing my eye in an attempt to wake up.

"What is it sir?" I mumbled.

"You two get ready, you are coming with me today." He noted and left the corridor.

I turned to Emma, confused. "I guess we should get ready." I muttered.

"Yeah..." The girl sighed, getting up.


"Sir, where are we going?" I asked as the three of us walked down the paved path leading away from the house.

"I have a meeting with a few demons." He explained. "I was requested to bring you two with me." Anti added.

"So... we are going to see other demons today?" Emma asked, visibly worried.

"You are. And you better behave, because I am not going to let you off that easily this time." He looked over at both of us.

"Yes master." Emma swallowed.

"Yes sir." I nodded, fixing up my scarf.

"Why are you even wearing a scarf?" Emma noticed.

"My throat hurts." I answered. I used that excuse plenty of times before, but that was the first time I really needed it to work.

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