Chapter 69 - Empty.

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"Anti sure has gotten soft." Dark hummed, glancing at me and then back to the meal he was preparing on the stove.

"What do you mean?" I crossed my arms.

"Why would he keep you alive? He's a complete idiot." The demon snickered.

I shuffled my feet, leaning my back against the counter.

"And if we're already talking about it... why would you work for such a moron? He's obviously incapable of making even the simplest decisions." The man continued, stirring his stew.

"Stop talking about him like that..." I muttered.

"What was it?" Dark looked over.

"I am not going to tolerate you chipping at Antisepticeye's pride any longer. Am I being clear enough for your liking?" I hissed.

The man laughed. "What pride? You're protecting a joke."

"Do you want me as you enemy?" I asked, taking my switchblade out and flipping it open.

"Well now, aren't you being a bit unreasonable?" He turned to face me. I raised the knife, holding it closer to his face as I stayed quiet. "What are you going to do? You're all bark but no bite." I was pressing the blade against his cheek, my breathing quickening. "What are you waiting for? Prove it!" Dark called, grinning. "Prove me you're not as useless as your incompetent master!"

I flipped the knife closed, punching his face instead and stepped back, watching the man as he rubbed his cheek in surprise.

"Dark, how much time does it take to make a fuckin- What is going on here?" My heart skipped a heartbeat when I head Anti behind of me.

"Your puppet just punched me." Dark called in astonishment.

"He was fucking calling you-!" I began but stopped when Anti grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Dark.

"Continue, but without the yelling this time." Anti nodded.

"He was calling you a joke... and an idiot... and other... stuff..." I muttered, looking away.

"Are you going to discipline her or not?" Dark hissed.

"Is she telling the truth?" Anti asked instead, a shiver ran through me as I felt his cold hand grabbing the back of my neck.

"What does that-..." Dark stumbled.

"Answer me." Anti insisted. "Did you provoke her?"

"I-... Sure. I did. It doesn't change the fact your puppet completely doesn't know how to behave." The other man replied. "You really should teach her a lesson once and for all."

"I'm not gonna punish her for standing up for me." Anti laughed. "Come on, let's let him cook in peace." He added before removing his hand.


Sam was flying around me for a few minutes, I've learnt to just accept this gesture and wasn't paying much attention to him by now. I looked up from my phone, seeing the shadow stand in front of me.

"Hey." I smiled bitterly, she didn't react in any way. "Your friends tried calling you again, I didn't pick up." I laid the phone on the couch beside me. "I'm sorry for your eye..." I traced my sewed eye with my fingers. "I know how much you loved your eyes... I don't know, maybe there's still hope for it?" I chuckled but tears were gathering in my healthy eye. The shadow reached out, stepping towards me and I removed my hand, letting her place her hand on my left eye. "I take your body for a bit and completely fuck it up." I laughed but midway it turned into crying.

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