Chapter 82 - Promises.

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"We should probably start the plan regarding Jackie... don't you think?" Anti asked all of a sudden as he entered the room, startling Crystal.

"God where did you come from..." She sighed. "Sure, it's probably time, still sticking with her pretending to switch to his side?"

"Yeah, it's our best bet." The man nodded. "But we'll need to pretend you're gone, or at least that she managed to overthrow you." The girl glared at him so he continued. "He trusts Alona, not you. He won't trust her as long as there's a chance you'll take over the body..."

"I guess you're right." Crystal sighed.

"Can I talk to her?" Anti sat leaned against the nearby desk, crossing his arms.

The girl sighed again, closing her eye.

I opened my eye, looking back at the man. "Yeah?"

"Good. You are going to contact him, saying you need to talk to him in private. Tell him you want to leave my side, but you're afraid I'll find about it... or something. I'm sure at some point he'll take you over to his place, to 'save' you from me." He explained but stopped.

I couldn't get the last two days out of my head, the conversation I've had with Anti, when Crystal interrupted-

"Are you listening?" The demon sighed.

"I... I am, sorry." I nodded. "I was thinking about other things, but I heard you."

"Don't let Crystal's games get to you." He placed his palms on both my cheeks.

"I'm trying..." I muttered.

"You know I'm letting a lot of stuff slide, just because I don't deem them important enough... You've been doing the same for a while, are you planning on stopping now?" He asked.

I shook my head as much as I managed with his hands still holding it. "I don't want to stop... I don't want anything to change." I muttered.

"Then don't." The demon shrugged, letting me go. "But just... don't lie to me, okay? It's sort of pathetic to listen to you when I know you're lying... You've promised to never lie to me already."

"Okay." I averted my gaze, feeling my cheeks burn. "I'm sorry. I'll keep my promise..."

"You two go get Crow for me." He petted my head.


You're lucky. Crystal snickered as she walked through the corridors.

How exactly? I'm stuck with you, mind you. I hissed.

Mean. The girl laughed, knocking on one of the doors.

"Yes?" Sounded from inside and she opened the door.

"Anti wants to talk to you." Crystal noted, stepping inside the room. Crow was standing in front of his window, observing the garden. The man was shirtless, the Septiceye tattoo facing the girl before he turned to her.

"Alright." He nodded, grabbing a shirt to put on.

"Did it hurt?" Crystal muttered. "When he... made that tattoo?" She asked cautiously.

The demon stopped mid dressing, pressing his lips together, thinking, before he looked back at her. "Yeah."

"May I?" She asked, approaching the man who nodded in return, lowering his arms as he turned his back to her. The girl reached out her hand, tracing the tattoo carefully while soft green light emitted from her fingers. "It never healed." She noted.

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