Chapter 22 - First impression.

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Next time I opened my eyes it was dark. I was lying in my bed and I could only assume it was night, but there wasn't much I could do.

My body was hurting and I was still dizzy from the blood loss.

Sam? I began. Is that your payback? But no reaction. Listen, I'm not going to apologize, I know words won't bring him back... I sighed mentally. I just wish... I wish things could have been different.

My head nodded in agreement.

If that is your payback, or revenge... whatever you want to call it... I kept going. Just-... I'm fine with it. You can do whatever you wish with me, if that is what gonna help you one day, maybe, forgive me.

No reaction.

Goodnight Sam.

Still no reaction as I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep.


I woke up early that morning. Going through the hallway I heard rustling coming from Anti's open office. "Alona, come over here." He called and my body complied. "We just got medical stuff delivery, bring that box to the doc." The demon said, motioning towards a cardboard box that was on his table. "Oh but first-" He called, getting a few bandages out of the box and throwing them into one of his drawers. "There, you can take it." Anti smirked.

"Yes master." I said, taking the box and leaving the room silently.

I reached the quarantine room, realizing my hands were full and I couldn't even knock and it seemed that Sam also realized it, because instead he proceeded to bang the box against the door until Schneep opened it.

"Vhat is it?" The doctor took off his mask, looking at me.

I couldn't answer but I hoped that he'll understand on his own.

"Oh, my delivery! Zhank you." Schneeplestein took the box out of my hands, going into the quarantine room.

I followed him, seeing Emma laying on the bed. There were needles sticking out of her forehead, connected to some tubes. "Not again..." The doctor growled, I looked at him. "Anti took from my bandages again, didn't he?" He approached me but I couldn't answer.

"Doc? What is going on?" Emma muttered, she looked too lost and exhausted to even open her eyes, I assumed she was drugged with some sort of pain killer.

"Everyzhing is alright." The doc called back, turning to me all of a sudden. He pulled my arm towards him, rolling up my sleeve. "Just like I zhought. Here's vhere my equipment goes to." I stared at him blankly. "Vell, at least now he knows people vill die if not treated soon enough." The doctor shrugged, letting go of my arm.

A shiver ran down my spine when I realized- there was a time Anti didn't know people can die from bleeding out...

"Aright, you can go." Schneep turned back to Emma. "Vonce you get the chance... tell Anti he's an idiot."

"Will gladly do that." I answered, not even knowing if Sam said it, or if I said it myself.


"Master, I finished clearing the database." I informed.

"Good. Sit down, I'll check on your work now." Anti noted, typing something on his computer. I sat down on the couch, listening to the clatter of the keys as the man typed on his keyboard.

A knock on the door made the typing stop. "Yes?" Anti called. The door opened, and soon Schneep entered.

"You vanted to hear about-" He stopped when he realized I was in the room.

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