Chapter 8 Sticky

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Zhao Huan was invited to the study to pick out books. As soon as he entered, he saw a math textbook on the desk, with a few notebooks and pens spread out in a mess, which clearly showed that the books had been studied carefully.

She turned around and saw Song Yezhi leaning against the door waiting for her.

"You like math too?"

Capturing the key words, too. Song Yezhi blinked, feeling bad.

Half an hour later, Song Yezhi's phone rang again. He handed it to Zhao Huanyu with an expressionless face, and Zhao Huanyu took it naturally.

The person on the other end of the phone yelled, "I'm here, come out and pick me up!"

Zhao Huanyu: "Okay."

Zhao Huanyu stood up and pointed at the catalog before leaving. He said, "You take a look at the first chapter. I'll go pick him up first."


It doesn't matter, it's better to take the initiative to discuss with peers than to be forced to learn by the tutor. Song Yezhi comforted himself.

Zhao Huanyu left the door open, so Song Yezhi didn't need to open it when he came back. In the distance, Song Yezhi heard a conversation, one was Zhao Huanyu, the other was a boy. As it got closer, it became clearer.

"I told you it was the third alley."

"No, you only said the telephone poles with blue flyers. I fucking believed you. After I got here, I saw blue flyers on every telephone pole!"

"Then I'm talking about the third flyer!"

"Aren't you tired of posting flyers? Each telephone pole is so close, it's enough to post one!"

The topic goes off track after just a few words of argument.

"Yes, I am quite free. That day, Song Yezhi spent the whole morning tearing at the wall in the cold weather."

In fact, there was not a whole morning.

Song Yezhi put down his pen and stood up to greet the guests.

"That's pretty miserable." The boy's tone changed, a few degrees lower than when he complained about the poster, "...Who is Song Yezhi?"

Right in front of the door, Song Yezhi pushed it and the door opened wide.


Zhao Huanyu was shivering with cold. He jumped into the house, turned to look at Zhou Yeshan, and urged him, "Come in quickly, are you stupid?"

Zhou Yeshan came back to his senses, lowered his eyes, and replied: "Get lost, are the stupid one."

Song Yezhi closed the door, bent down and put a pair of slippers on the ground: "New ones." Pointing to the shelf, "You can hang your coat there."

Zhou Yeshan held onto the cabinet with his hands, rubbed his left foot against his right foot to take off his right shoe, then rubbed his right foot against his left foot to take off his left shoe, and asked, "Can I not take off my coat?"

Song Yezhi glanced at him and said, "Okay."

Zhao Huanyu patted him on the shoulder and said, "I just realized you have so many problems."

Zhou Yeshan smiled twice, took off his lamb wool coat, paused for a moment when hanging it up, and hung it next to a long black down jacket. When he turned around again, a cup of hot water was stuffed into his hand.

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