Chapter 30 What They Love

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"I've been having dreams lately. It's annoying."

"What did you dream about?"

"Last night in my dream I drank and played games, and my vision was all over the place." She looked up, "The sky kept appearing."

The little boy rescued in Qinhuangdao was a local. His parents were doing business on the beach. After that, the group stayed in the hotel and ate in his restaurant for the three-day trip. When they left, they were given many gifts, including a few bare branches. It is said that if you stick them in the soil, they will bloom after a long time.

At this time, Song Yezhi and Zhao Huanyu were squatting in the yard, digging a hole for the branch.

Song Yezhi commented: "Your dream is a bit leisurely and carefree."

Zhao Huan and Bi Songyezhi were not afraid of getting dirty. They rolled up their sleeves and dug the soil with their bare hands. She said, "I don't like dreaming."

"What's the matter?" Song Yezhi put the shovel aside and prepared to put Muzhili in the pit. "I think it's good. A person can have two worlds and live two lives."

"That's right." Zhao Huanyu also dug a hole, "I read a popular science article before, saying that people can have thousands of dreams in one night, but they can only remember a few of them."

"Do you believe it?"

Zhao Huanyu shook his head: "I don't really believe it."

"Me too." Song Yezhi agreed.

"Do you believe that this stick can really bloom?"

They were pushing the soil into the pit, using two branches to hold it steady, and then patting it twice so that the soil was level and firm.

Song Yezhi spread out his muddy hands, scratched the branches a few times, and said, "Believe it? It should work." He then asked, "Have you planted the ones you took home?"

“Those ones…”

Zhao Huanyu laughed briefly and hummed softly from his nose.

"No, my brother gave it away."


"Give it to his girlfriend." Zhao Huanyu shrugged and stood up to wash his hands. "I don't know."

Song Yezhi didn't know that Le Jiege would also have a girlfriend. He stared at Zhao Huanyu's back, squatted there blankly for a while, stood up, and went to find a watering can.

It was a sunny day, and the heat penetrated the pipes, and the water flowing out was warm. Zhao Huanyu's hands were wet, and he felt the temperature, so he immediately turned off the faucet.

It's so hot, she wants to wash with ice water, can she put a basin in the freezer for a while?

Just thinking this, she stood in front of the faucet in the yard, motionless.

Shen Le had been angry many times because of her willfulness.

The most recent time was last night.

At that time, he had just returned from Qinhuangdao and had just entered the house when Shen Lejie received a call. Without saying a few words, he walked to the bedroom. When he came out, he had changed his clothes and was about to go out again.

Zhao Huanyu asked, "Brother, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm having dinner with my friends." He walked out, not forgetting to say, "Mom should be home around 7 o'clock. If you're hungry, ask Auntie to make something to eat."

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