Chapter 46 Can You Catch It?

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On the table were a lot of books that Yi Qingwei had just brought in, piled up to the height of a person's knees. The cram school had entered the comprehensive review phase, and Song Yezhi had just mentioned last night that he should ask Yi Qingwei to go to the alley to get some old textbooks from last year, and today they were all in front of him.

I skimmed through the review books one by one and came across a brand new one that looked out of place among the old, fluffy pages - "Their World - A Perspective on the Chinese Gay Community"

It was indeed very new. Song Yezhi had only opened it twice, and each time he went in with a confused mind, and came out bewildered, with no improvement at all.

He himself had forgotten where he had hidden the book in the room, and was discovered today - which was good, so that he wouldn't have to worry about it all the time, and be worried and anxious, which would not give him a happy ending.

Song Yezhi couldn't analyze the current situation and whether it could be saved.

However, now that things have come to this, there is nothing to worry about.

He stood up, pushed down the towering pile of books, picked out the book and held it in his hand.

The three words "homosexuality" are bright and glaring, nailed to the book. You can cover it up, but you can't peel it off. If you are determined to peel it off, you will have to scrape it off with the skin and flesh. The words are gone, but the traces are still there, and they can never be erased.

Song Yezhi came to the door of Yi Qingwei's bedroom, which was tightly closed. He knocked, but there was no response.

"There is nothing between Zhou Yeshan and me." Song Yezhi said directly to the door.

“But it’s true that I like boys.”

There was no movement from the door.

Song Yezhi said it again, the last time, with a loud voice and sonorous words: "The person I like now is a man."

After saying that, he stared at the door again, afraid that it would open the next second, so he quickly turned around and ran back to the room, closing the door and turning off the lights.

He leaned against the door to calm himself.

The huge rock finally fell to the ground, and Song Yezhi was not smashed to pieces. Instead, he felt relieved and survived the disaster.

The next day, Song Yezhi got up very early to avoid meeting Yi Qingwei. He was afraid that he would ask more questions, that he would get angry, and even more afraid that he would remain silent.

Who knew there was someone earlier than him.

Before daybreak, Song Yezhi saw Zhou Yeshan standing downstairs of the cram school from afar, looking like he was waiting for someone. He couldn't avoid it, so he gritted his teeth and walked forward.

"Try it with me." Zhou Yeshan said when Song Yezhi passed by.

Song Yezhi was startled and looked at him in surprise: "What are you talking about?"

"Try to be with me." Zhou Yeshan put his hands in his pockets and said it boldly and directly, "Let's fall in love."

Zhou Yeshan was crazy. Song Yezhi looked at him suspiciously, speechless. He ignored him and walked into the corridor.

Zhou Yeshan caught up with him and said persistently: "Try with me."



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