Chapter 55 Meeting

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He caught the sunset in Beijing.

Yellow afterglow, red armbands, white masks, blue disinfection barrels, red and white cordons. The overwhelming smell of vinegar, the pungent 84 disinfectant. The empty subway, the deserted Chang'an Avenue, the long queues in front of the pharmacy, the passers-by walking quickly on the street with their heads down and their mouths covered.

After six years of absence, everything is depressing.

Song Yezhi got out of the car, took off his mask, and walked into the alley.

The alley was very quiet, with every house closed.

Not far away, the cat bed was still there. It looked like it was made of new wood and had been replaced not long ago. There were a few cats circling around it. Song Yezhi looked at them and suddenly felt a little lost. They all looked different and he didn't recognize any of them.

The gate was not closed, and the green phoenix was hanging high under the eaves. Its feathers were not as bright as before. But when it saw Song Yezhi standing outside the gate, it was still stupid, tilting its head to look at the person who came. After about half a minute, it actually cried out loudly, very loudly.

The wooden door creaked open. Song Yezhi, lacking confidence, was frightened and took a step back, holding his breath and standing by the wall.

Song Yingjun came out, looked up at the bird, and asked, "Why are you singing for no reason?"

The weather in London was bad, and Song Yingjun's legs were not good, the two were mutually exclusive. In addition, international flights were exhausting, so Song Yingjun suffered every time he went.

The last time they met was a year ago.

Song Yezhi took out his mobile phone and pressed the power button for a long time. Several missed call reminders popped up one after another, and he opened them one by one.

The first one is joy.

The second one is joy.

The third one is grandpa.

Fourth one, grandpa.

Fifth one, grandpa.

He didn't give up and wanted to keep reading. He kept pressing the page-turning key. The screen kept showing [Loading Completed] and nothing else.

"Huan Yu, I'm back."

Edit the text and click Send.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he dialed Song Yingjun's number, and someone picked up after a few beeps.

"Hello?" Song Yingjun was in a good mood.

"Hey, Grandpa."

Song Yingjun didn't know whether he was in the living room or bedroom, but he heard the rustling sound of papers. He must have gone to check the watch he made to show the time difference between London and Beijing.

Song Yingjun: "Are you up?"

Song Yezhi: "Grandpa, SARS is so serious, why didn't you tell me when you called me yesterday?"

"I'm afraid you'll worry unnecessarily. We're all fine."

"Have you and Uncle Tao paid any attention?"

"Don't worry. We don't go out except to buy groceries. Have you had breakfast?"



One Branch [MTL] (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora