Chapter 26 Ketchup on the chin

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The grass was not as soft as it looked, and the skin behind his ears was constantly scratched. Dense clouds rolled out from a corner of the sky, constantly approaching Song Yezhi. He held his breath, feeling suffocated by the endless white.

Clouds filled the sky before him and he closed his eyes.

Song Yezhi usually didn't slack off in PE class, but today he lay flat on the grass with his eyes closed, looking very tired. Zhou Yeshan stared at him from a distance, walked closer and threw a volleyball over, which landed next to Song Yezhi's palm.

"You don't want to practice anymore?"

Song Yezhi hugged the ball in his hand and stood up.


There will also be a final test for physical education, so students are practicing hard.

The usually active member was a little passive today. He was distracted when he was padding the ball, and the ball was deflected and flew far away. It rolled under a white skirt. Song Yezhi sighed and ran to chase it.

The girl looked at the ball, then at Song Yezhi who was running towards her from a distance, hesitated for a few seconds, and then kicked.

"Ah—" she screamed, then came to her senses and lowered her voice, speaking in an urgent tone, "My shoes—"

The students around heard it anyway, and everyone turned to look. The ball and the shoes drew two different parabolas, and sparse laughter was heard in the crowd.

Song Yezhi bent down and picked up the ball that was rolling towards him, then walked a few steps forward and picked up a small white sneaker.

He squatted down, put his shoe next to the girl's raised left foot, put his arm around the ball, said "thank you" and "sorry" to the girl.

The embarrassed girl couldn't help but laugh: "I'm sorry?"

"Ah..." Song Yezhi scratched behind his ear, "Your shoes..."

"Have you read the letter I wrote to you?"

Suddenly, the white skirt in front of him became somewhat familiar. After thinking for a while, Song Yezhi kept thinking about irrelevant things: Why do I always wear a skirt to physical education class?

He decided to play dumb for once: "What letter?"

"I sent you a letter. I am Chen from Class 13."

The person behind him held his shoulders tightly, and Zhou Yeshan was breathing heavily beside him, with a fine layer of sweat on the tip of his nose.

"It takes a whole class just to pick up a ball? Let's go——"

Song Yezhi was hugged by Zhou Yeshan as they walked away. Halfway through the walk, Zhou Yeshan came over and asked, "Hey - have you read her letter?"

"Are you hot?" Song Yezhi pushed him away with her index finger, "I didn't see it."

That patch of green shade was the base for the three of them to take physical education classes. Zhao Huanyu was sitting in the shade, fiddling with a fan and watching them approach.

"Sister Shi Ying went abroad. She took a flight at noon. She applied to the school long ago. She told me that if my uncle agreed to her, she would stay. So she failed now? I didn't even see when she confessed her feelings. She was so quick."

Zhao Huanyu kept talking, and Song Yezhi kept drinking water. She finished talking, but he was still drinking.

Seeing that most of the bottle was gone, Zhou Yeshen stopped him and said, "Can you leave some for me?"

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