Chapter 84 Chongqing Trip (1)

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The spring and autumn are unclear, while the summer and winter are violent.

The winter of 2007 was not cold, and the summer seemed especially long.

In late July, Yi Qingwei was on a business trip to Chongqing, and Song Yezhi had a few days off to accompany him as a traveler. This time, it happened to be a rainy day, and when they left the train station, they ran into the misty fog.

Yi Qingwei lowered his head and studied the route with the map, while Song Yezhi walked in front to lead the way. He raised his arm slightly, weighed it in the air, and said to himself, Chongqing's air is humid, the molecules are dense, stuffy and heavy, and as humid as the sea. If you run faster, you may be able to float and fly out.

Yi Qingwei took a deep breath, and after a few rounds, he replied: "There is a plastic film on his head."

Song Yezhi turned around to look at him and really looked at his head.

After reacting, he smiled. Facing Yi Qingwei, he walked backwards, stretched out one hand, turned his palm into a fist, pretending to be mysterious. Song Yezhi's voice was a little louder, and he said, "If I twist it, water will drip. Do you believe it?"

Before he walked out of the station, people were still crowded together. A passerby who was close to him turned to look at his face, thinking that Song Yezhi was a college student, and said, "What's up, are you here to travel during the summer vacation?"

His voice has many twists and turns, with quite a lot of ups and downs.

Song Yezhi found that the language systems of Chongqing dialect and Mandarin are not much different and not difficult to understand. The difference is that Chongqing people can express a simple sentence with full emotion and vividness.

Song Yezhi loves to listen to it.

He smiled and said, "Come to work."

The man was not tall. He was pulling a suitcase in one hand and holding a linen bag in the other. He also had a travel bag on his back, which was bent like a small hill.

Song Yezhi said, "I'll help you carry one."

The man shook his head: "Why would I need it? It's nothing. Thank you."

"Where are you from? You sound like a Beijinger," the man asked.

"He's from Beijing. You can tell from just a few words, right?"

"It's obvious. Beijing dialect is hot on the lips. When spoken quickly, the ending sound is always erer. It's round and plump, almost like beads."

I didn't think about making a travel plan before coming here. Song Yezhi had a good chat with him, and in such a short journey, the itinerary was arranged clearly by this man.

If you have time, you can go to Jiefangbei for a walk. The scenery is nothing special, just mountains and rivers, very ordinary. But there are many delicious foods in Chongqing, such as hot pot, skewers, roasted brain, and noodles. The man pointed out the old brands on every street and introduced them to you.

Yi Qingwei folded the paper several times, stuffed it into his inner pocket, and walked to Song Yezhi.

Closer than friends.

The man asked, "Are you guys here together?"

Song Yezhi turned around and looked at Yi Qingwei sideways, turning his toes in a half circle, exerting force on one leg, half of his body tilted, and his clothes leaning against his clothes, in short, they were close together. The corners of his mouth were not lowered, and they were raised as high as the corners of his eyes.

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