IV - Tulips & Seasons

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Haerin's eyes fluttered open as the morning light pierced through the crack in her curtains. She sat up, bewildered at the sudden realization that she had slept through the night without any disturbances. Her heart raced as she remembered the incessant noise that often kept her up until the wee hours of the morning. But then she recalled the text message she had received from Danielle, wishing her a good night's sleep. Could it be that her friend's kind words had truly worked their magic? Haerin pushed the thought aside and sprang out of bed, eager to start her day at school.

After taking a refreshing shower, Haerin got dressed and started having breakfast. However, her mind was completely occupied with Danielle's sweet goodnight text and the lovely nickname she had given her. The excitement in Haerin's heart was palpable as she relished the thought of meeting Danielle again., and how Danielle showed interest in what Haerin had to say. She had this funny feeling in her stomach just thinking about Danielle. She wanted to put an end to this and decided she was going to act nonchalantly to Danielle.

She was lost in her thoughts but heard a voice calling for her "Haerin, the bus is outside! Finish your food and pack your things!" It was her brother calling her. She rushed to finish breakfast and quickly grabbed her things, "Thanks, Wonwoo. See you later!" she mumbled. "Have a great day!" her brother exclaimed with a big smile on his face.

Haerin got on the bus and was startled when she heard someone calling her name, "Haerin! Over here!" She recognized the voice to be Danielle's, she felt her heart race while she walked up to Danielle.

Haerin sat down beside Danielle and whispered coldly, "I didn't know you took the bus."

Danielle responded with a light chuckle and said, "I take the bus every day...I should be asking you that."

Haerin avoided eye contact and replied, "Well, I've never noticed you."

Sensing the tension, Danielle asked Haerin, "Why are you so cold to me, Kitty? Is it something I did?" She frowned at the thought of upsetting Haerin.

Haerin felt her body tense up, and she found herself at a loss for words. It was unexpected that Danielle would show concern for her, especially since they had only met the previous day. Haerin couldn't help but feel drawn to the girl and found it difficult to resist the urge to open up to her, despite her attempts trying not to.

Danielle took Haerin's hand and said, "I'm sorry, Haerin. Am I too much? If you don't want to talk to me anymore, it's fine."

Haerin looked at Danielle with a caring gaze and said, "You're not too much, Danielle. We're not close, but you already gave me nicknames, and I find that...cute." Haerin realized what she said and blushed. "I...um...I appreciate that."

Danielle was touched by Haerin's words and blushed. "Thank you, Haerin. That comforted me." Danielle looked at Haerin with relief in her eyes.

Haerin felt a rush of emotions as she caught Danielle's gaze, her eyes shining like precious jewels. "You're welcome, Elle," she replied softly, trying to hide the fluttering in her stomach.

The rest of the bus ride was silent until Danielle broke the silence. "Kitty...Do you like flowers?" she asked gently.

Haerin was confused but answered, "I do. Why?"

"Well, what's your favorite flower?" Danielle asked with a smile.

Haerin smiled back and said, "Tulips. I like them because they look gentle and pure, and the meaning behind them touched my heart."

Curious, Danielle asked, "What's the meaning of them, Kitty?"

"They mean perfect and deep love. I've never experienced that feeling, but it's still so meaningful to me," Haerin replied, her voice filled with wistful longing. Danielle could sense the sadness in her voice and reached out to hold her hand, offering comfort and understanding.

The moon, the stars, and you. {Daerin}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant