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Bey's POV, Next week

The day has finally come where I'll be seeing Dorinda tonight and I'm so excited. Ever since our phone call, we've been talking every day and growing a beautiful friendship. She's such a breath of fresh air in my life and I'm looking forward to seeing her preach. I know she's going to be amazing.

My daughter Blue is spending the night over Kelly's house so I needed to get us on the road so I wouldn't be stuck in LA traffic.

"Baba! It's time to leave, come on!" I called out. I was in my bedroom stepping into my heels before grabbing my purse and keys. Since it's a cool breeze tonight, I decided to wear a modest pair of slacks and a simple blouse. I'm also throwing a blazer on top so I won't get cold. My hair is currently in box braids so I pulled them up in a slightly messy top bun and placed a pair of black Versace cat-eye shades on.

I made it to the hallway to see Blue come out of her room with a duffle bag and pair of headphones in her hand.

"I'm ready!" She said.

"Alright, let's go."

I locked the house and unlocked the car for us. I waited for Blue to get settled before driving off and heading to Kelly's.

"So you're excited to hang out with your Auntie, Uncle, and cousins?" I asked.

"Yessss. Titan said we're going to make cookies from scratch." Blue said.

"Oh that sounds fun. Make sure you save me some cookies." I said.

"I can't promise that Mom." She said laughing. We talked some more about random things and it didn't take long to enter Kelly's street.

Once I pulled up in the driveway, I honked the horn. I kissed Blue and watched her grabbed her things. Kelly appeared at the door and gave Blue a hug before waving her hand at me. I waved back and slowly backed out of her driveway. I knew traffic would be crazy but luckily the GPS is taking me down back roads so I won't be super late.

I turned the radio up a bit and listened to the gospel station to get myself in the right spirit. After 40 minutes, I finally pulled up to the church and realized I wasn't too late because I could still hear the music bumping. I parked a little towards the front of the parking lot and stepped out with my Bible in hand.

I googled the church beforehand so I could know the layout and fortunately they have a balcony level. I did not want to draw attention to myself and hopefully these braids can also help disguise me. My signature color is honey blonde but these braids are dark brown.

I was greeted once I made my way inside and asked how to get to the balcony. An usher kindly led the way and it wasn't too packed which I liked. I sat down on the second row and chose an aisle seat. I did not want to sit in the middle of the pew because I knew I'd have to leave a few minutes early to beat the crowd. I didn't see Dorinda in the pulpit yet so I paid attention to the praise and worship team.

After awhile, I checked my phone to see two back-to-back messages from Doe.

Queen 👸🏽👑: Are you here yet?
Queen 👸🏽👑: It's okay if you changed your mind.
BB🐝✨: I'm here Queen. I'm sitting at the balcony. You'll see me. 💞

I didn't have to wait long to see her text bubbles on the screen.

Queen 👸🏽👑: Ok. I can't wait to see you! Drive around the side entrance once it's over so I can ride with you.
BB 🐝✨: Okay. I'm excited to hear the word. The crowd is ready for you.

She hearted my message and stopped texting. I looked up from my phone to see the singers coming down from the stage and the pastor making remarks.

I saw the side door open that was closest to the pulpit and watched Dorinda appear. She wore a beautiful blue dress with gold flakes and had her hair bone straight with a middle part.

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