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Dorinda's POV

I was so sad to leave my honeybey but our shower escapade set me in the best mood despite being away from her. Our final goodbye kiss crushed me and almost had me in tears because now that we've added intimacy, I don't want to be away from her.

I don't know whether or not our relationship is moving too fast but the speed we're operating in feels so us.
I texted my baby once I landed and she instantly responded back saying she missed me deeply. I told her I'll call when I'm home because I needed to see her face once again before I fall asleep. I was running over an hour late to the session due to Detroit traffic but my driver made up on lost time and got me to the studio. He helped me with my luggage before pulling out of the parking lot. I didn't have to worry about finding a ride home because I was going to bum a ride back home with one of my sisters, more than likely Karen.

I tightened Bey's scarf around my neck to avoid hearing anyone's mouth about these hickies. If Bey can do all of that on my body in such a short amount of time, I don't think I'm ready for her when we're not in a rush.

I entered the recording studio and greeted the receptionist. She told me which room to go and I rolled my suitcase along the hardwood floors. I pushed the door and stepped inside to see my daughter on the couch with Jacky while Karen and Twinkie were in the booth. Donald Lawrence was also inside the booth.

"I'M HERE!" I yelled out.

"Girl if you don't hush being all loud and late." Jacky fussed. I smiled feeling accomplished at annoying my big sis and pulled my luggage to the corner. I flopped down in the middle of the couch, brushing my hips against theirs to fit between them. I hugged my daughter and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey Mommy's baby. Your aunties driving you crazy?" I joked. She laughed and hugged me back.

"Hey Ma. Naw they've been cool. It's you who has to play catch up tonight." She said.

"Ok well whatever I gotta do, I'm ready to get this over with." I said.

"Why are you in such a rush, chatty Cathy? You're the main one that never wants to leave the studio, and where are you coming from with that luggage?" Jacky fired off.

"I was out of town and cut my trip short for this session. That's all you need to know Jacqueline." I said.

"Hmm yeah alright. All I gotta do is ask Karen and she'll just tell me." She said. I waved her off and waited my turn to get in the booth. Being in the studio is essentially a waiting game. In a perfect world, because I was an hour late, everyone should've finished their parts so I could just slide in to lay down my parts.

"Alright Rose, your turn." Donald said to me. I smiled and gave him a hug as well as my sisters Karen and Twinkie as we swapped places. I put the headphones on and looked at the lyrics sheet to catch a feel of the song.

"Alright so you're going to start at the hook and then go straight into the verses. The chorus will be the last part to record." Donald instructed.

It took me a few tries to get a sense of the song but once I got it I was really feeling it. My throat needed some tea from all the singing, and screaming I was doing with Bey, to help me finish this song. Once I took a few sips from the tea Nikki prepared, I was able to finish the final part. I got out of the booth while Donald and the engineer mixed our song.

We were basically done but in case vocals were off or needed to re-record, we still needed to hang around. I sat back on the couch with my sisters Jacky and Karen while Nikki stepped out. Twinkie had already left the studio halfway during my session because she wasn't needed anymore.

I looked at the time and it was nearing 11pm. I was growing tired but needed to pick up my energy. I removed my scarf because I was getting hot and got comfortable on the couch. So comfortable that I closed my eyes to rest.

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