Save your Soal - an into & overview

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(I advise everyone to read desc)

Am I starting another fic after being dead on here since summer? Yes.

Moving along.

First of all this is very spur of the moment, cause I just started, binge watched, and finished the first season so far so, yeah, not to much thought really went into it but I'm going to put together the best I can with this. Please read on for user info, warnings, writing process, preview- or just go on and read the next chapter down, the first chapter without the rest of this info if you want. Thank you.


My thought process for who y/n should be: well at first I thought I'd have y/n take Akemi's spot but meh my idea's just kept getting muddy. I realized that this was going to be really hard in aspect to be mindful to all readers. Let me explain. At first I was thinking maybe I could stem this off from Mizu's half whiteness and kinda use it as the user and her connecting by sharing that same backstory of, 'oh my father is half white too-connection' but then I realized it was kinda a weak thing to hold up a plot like that plus I feel like it could be like completely catering to white people specifically so I throw that out the window. After that I really realized this may be the hardest story to be completely inclusive since such a strong focus point in the show is race. It's hard tbh, I am now thinking of maybe a plot where y/n is generally foreign to give them something to use but there's holes in that too, like users who are of Japanese decent and would therefore not a foreigner. At the same time if I make them fit into a specific character within the show would it be some sort of cultural appropriation? For that reason really and all the others combined is why I have to say this and move on to the user info: anyone is welcome to read this, but sadly, I can't make it 100% inclusive. For one I can't it can't be gender neutral because think of the difference of women's and men's roles in this time. They are too different to just be interchangeable or either or.. and we have already touched on the race aspect. Furthermore the user will be as cookie cutter as possible, so won't necessarily display or deliberately put disabilities. With that being said, again, anyone is completely allowed to read, reimagine their self, and more, but if you feel that you don't want to read cause the user I'll write just strays too for from you, I'm sorry and I hope you can move on to find much more amazing fics, bots, and other media of your character. Thank you so much for coming this far, and if you're still here, next up:


User info:

-fem user
-age(18-26) preferably. It can be older but please not younger than 18

{The rest will be explained in the backstory}


For tw/content Warnings -> read desc


This may be edited in the future, idk, but here it is for now.

Please read at your own risk and enjoy the story. Comment and vote if you like something & don't be afraid to comment if there's a problem. Thank you so incredibly much and without further Ado, enjoy!!

Symbols and stuff you will see:

1) ⋆ = will start chapters off
2) y/n = your name
3) l/n = last name
4) ~~~ = time skip of some sort(if needed)
5) °•°•°•° = will end off chapters


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