4 ⋆ Straggler

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"No, really. I need to get out there." I say, more sure of myself. "Ise was right. I'm nothing more than a pet around here! I hardly do anything to help around. I should go- and at very least show I support the girl to be chosen.

Worst idea of my life.

"Okay, y/n." He held his hand up, his playful expression dropping. "Madame Kaji told you to stay here." He reminded.

I swiftly stood. "Well she's not my mother and has no say in ordering me." I pause and sigh "but I love her as one, so it would only be right of me to get out there and support her too." I concluded.

"Hm." His eyes narrowed and he plucked his cup back up. "You're braver than anyone gives you credit for" he shrugs, though his expression is weary. "I have no right to stop you."

I look back and nod, a bit surprised he isn't putting up more of a fight to keep me here, but I'm grateful for it. I turn on my heel and swiftly walk to the door.


I jolt to a stop and look over my shoulder at him. "Ah?" I open my mouth and let out as a response.

"Good luck. Don't die out there. It would be a real bummer." He joked, or tried to, but I heard sincerity in enough of his words.

I nod one last time, my heart swelling in a sort of courage that was most definitely misplaced and walk off.

I'll go to them, show them I care.
Show them I'm more than a pet.
I am y/n.

And with that, I trudge on. Boss Hamata wasn't far from the brothel. I knew we're it was. I just had to go..

Madame Kaji has always been with me when I went out. The was my first time out alone since I've been here.

I shaking walk down the road, fighting the urge to hug the walls as I move. For Madame Kaji saying the claw army was roaming, I sure didn't see many of them.. but when I did happen to see a group my heart about sunk down to my belly. I was able to stay out of their sights for the short distance though.. luckily. I make it to the corner and turn, freezing. There they all were in front of the building I've learned to fear. All their heads were bowed respectfully down as they wait, with Madame Kaji stood in the back, standing up straight.

I hesitate to get out there.

I don't go out there.

As my eyes roam the scene cautiously and fearfully. Maybe I should take my word back and run back to the brothel. Nobody would know, right. I assault the wall with a death grip that makes my knuckles flush white as I continually contemplate my next actions.

Then a blur of yellow cought my eyes. My gaze was glued to Hamata's gambling house and drifted upwards. There he was. A man draped in yellow and red cloth. Him. Hamata.

I gulp and look back down to them. Madame Kaji had hesitantly bowed and rose to look back up to him.

She didn't speak. Smart move.

"Kaji" he called down from the balcony with a rough chuckle. I don't know how to explain it but.. his smile, his stance, his eyes.. just scream greed. "You always fail to outdo yourself, hm. Ah, well no matter. They'll still to their purpose." He said, running his hand under his chin as if trying to make a decision.

𝘚𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭 ⋆ 𝘔𝘪𝘻𝘶 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now