mine- hyunjin

774 10 5

hyunjin x fem reader
content: oral given to both, fingering, sex at school, rough handling (hair pulling etc.), vaginal sex obvi, overstimulation, quick mention of choking, no protection (STAY SAFE YOU FREAKS) and i think that's everything???
song of the chapter: like i would by zayn

you and hyunjin had only been dating for 2 months, and no one at school new. with your relationship being relatively new, neither of you wanted to make it more complicated with your peers input, pressure, or rumors. but just because you weren't public about your relationship, didn't mean hyunjin wasn't possessive of you. in his mind, you were his. no one else's. and this made it frustrating when at school other people hit on you and he could do nothing about it.
one particularly infuriating day was when you had a presentation in your english class. having to present a short slide show about the scarlet letter, you decided to dress up nicely to make yourself feel more confident standing in front of all your peers. hyunjin however thought you looked too nice. you were in a skirt, tall boots, and an off the shoulder sweater. your legs looked long, your collarbones accentuated, and your waist line was pulled in just right.

standing up in front of your class, you shot hyunjin a shy smile and he returned it with a reassuring nod as you began your presentation. you breezed through, trying not to talk too quickly or stumble on your words. as you finished, you snuck a look at hyunjin to see him fuming, confused, you caught his eye and he tried his best to smile and give you a thumbs up. you were confused by the mixed signals but decided to ask him later. for now, you were just relieved you made it through you presentation alive.

leaving english, you and hyunjin parted ways, him going off to science while you had history. sitting in class you were distracted thinking about what could be wrong.
opening the messages app on your iPhone, you decided to text hyunjin and check in.


Today 11:00 AM

hey love! everything ok?

your presentation was great. i'm fine.

well what's wrong?

meet me in the second floor hallway of the science building in 10 mins.



you were so confused. nonetheless, you raised your hand and asked your teacher if you could run to the restroom. leaving the classroom, you began walking to the science building. you had goose bumps as you climbed the stairs to the second floor. anxiousness was creeping its way into your stomach at hyunjin's unusual behavior.

climbing the last stair, you turned the corner and entered the second floor hallway. about half way down, you could see hyunjin stepping side-to-side, impatiently waiting.

hearing your boots snap against the linoleum, he looked up at you. you attempted to give him a small smile but faltered seeing his agitated expression.

"hyunjin." you said his name apprehensively, unsure of what to do now.

but before you could question anything at all he had grabbed your arm and pulled you through a door you didn't even know was there, one you had never noticed before.

"hyunjin" you hissed out. "seriously, what is wrong with y-" his lips crashed into yours as he pushed you back against the door you had just walked through. you began to kiss him back, but pulled away before anything more could progress.

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