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all mine

MARIANA'S FIRST MISTAKE was considering what her best friend amira suggested.

mari had an older brother who she didn't see often. so she saw amira as her sister along with her brother lamine also as her own. they were they're own little trio before lamine got busy and went pro.

moments before lamine asked whether she wanted to go to his party for his birthday, not like she had a choice.

mariana was an out going girl and would never decline any sort of party, but hit him with a "i'll think about it".

who she thought would be the one, ended up being a 'summer fling'. what she thought was commitment, it ended up being unserious. where she thought there was trust, there ended up being none.

when she wanted to stay away from something, she stayed true to her words. a bit too much. and ever since then, mariana stayed away from relationships, and just people in general.

however, mari always being easily convinced by amira, whether she would say no or not, amira would always find a way to make her change her mind.


come to my bday
pls and thx

i'll think about it! (i won't)


aren't u too young to be having
a party

he's sixteen
he's a big boy now😄

i've been grown i make
more money than both of yous

ok thx i won't come🥹🩷

i'll be alone
you wouldn't want that to me
would you??🥹

i hope u die alone
but ok wtv i'll come
you're welcome!!!!!!!

this is why ur my bsf


as predicted, amira got mari to come to his party.

mariana pulled down her black dress, adjusting it around her thighs. she took one quick look in her pocket mirror that was in her purse, as she made her way towards the passenger seat of amira's car.

"oh my goodness! i haven't seen you dressed up in ages!" stated amira, making mariana doubt herself.

as amira could tell by mari's face, she reassured her best friend "i'm being serious, seeing you like this makes me happier."

"i love you amira" she laughs, placing her hands towards the the car radio. "i'm playing music today" she announces, making amira roll her eyes.


i'm so tired gn guys
vote and comment !!

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