Chapter 2

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Olivia sprinted into the closest ladies room at the 1-6. She stopped when she reached the sink. She turned on the faucet, and quickly splashed cold water on her face. She turned off the water after several minutes. She was scared to look at herself in the mirror, but she did it anyway, and was relieved. She looked exactly the same as she did yesterday, Everything at work was normal too. No one was acting strangely. She went to a crime scene early this morning. She took a total of 3 disclosures today. She had new cases, and new paperwork to go with them.

"Liv, are you alright?" She heard Amanda Rollins say.

Olivia turned at the sound of her friend's voice, Amanda was standing in front of her. "Amanda,what are you doing here, don't you have a Forensics class to teach?"

"Don't you remember I said I wanted to meet up today to talk about coming back to the squad?"

"Yes, yes, I do remember. Olivia answered, honestly. "We said we would meet at 4 this afternoon."

"It's 5 minutes to 5, Liv. I waited in your office for almost an hour. I was worried, You didn't call to reschedule,"

"I'm sorry, Amanda, I lost track of time, It's been a rough day, but I'm fine. How are you?"

"Well I got almost zero sleep last night. I had 3 cups of coffee, and I'm dying for a 4th, but I'm great, Sonny was born to be a daddy. At 6 this morning, I had just put the baby down, and was climbing into bed when I heard crying. Sonny woke up, pecked me on the lips, told me to stay in bed, and got up to take care of him. I'm so lucky, 10 minutes in Sonny's arms, and our little boy was out like a light."

"I can't believe I'm asking this, Amanda, but are you sure you wanna come back?" You just had a baby." Olivia said, feeling relieved that she remembered the fact that Amanda Rollins- Carisi recently gave birth to a son, and that his name was Antonio Carisi. "You seem so happy." Olivia added, quickly.

"I am happy, Liv, but I need to work, I need to come back, leaving the squad was a mistake. I was thinking I could come back in January."

"I think that could be arranged. It'll be so nice to have you back."Olivia said, her tone was soft and almost sad.

"Liv, I'm gonna ask again. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Amanda, don't worry about me, It's just this day... Olivia's voice trailed off.

"Go home to Barba, Liv. You'll feel better." Amanda paused for a few seconds to think. "Hey", she said. "Your anniversary is coming up soon. What are you getting him?"


"What are you getting Barba, your husband for your anniversary?" Amanda asked, slowly.

"Oh, I don't know."

"Well you better come up with something. It's a week from Friday."

"Maybe he'll forget", Olivia answered. Amanda, howled with laughter.

"What's so funny?"

Amanda took a breath before answering. "The idea of Barba forgetting for a second the anniversary of the day you married him. I bet he has something planned. Maybe he'll whisk you away to some romantic island, Go home to your husband, Liv."

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