CHAPTER 7: Dark Mystique.

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Dr. Martini stood, her back ramrod straight, as a figure emerged from the shadows. A jolt of recognition shot through her, and she dipped into a respectful bow. The dim light cast an imposing silhouette, but the sharp angles of his jawline and the arrogant tilt of his head were unmistakable. It was Lord Maximus.

"I have a peculiar taste for both lifeblood and clean water," Lord Maximus said, his voice a low rumble interpersed with the persistent buzz from the elevator.

"Not a murderer, but a purveyor of retribution," he fully walked out of the elevator, his eyes gleaming with dark fire as they met hers. Dr. Martini felt a tremor run down her spine despite the heat radiating from his imposing form.

"I was approaching your office, my Lord." She uttered.

""I wasn't too soon, was I ?"  He studied her with a smirk.

"There was an indisputable connection between Zayn and the puppy," she countered, steering the conversation away from his cryptic statements.

"Shaque, is it?" Lord Maximus drawled, a hint of mockery playing on his lips as he swept the room with a predatory gaze.

"Indeed, my Lord," Dr Martini confirmed. "And while you seem aware. Zayn has no memory of the events leading him here. Any affiliation with the Butcher's Worm is highly improbable." A subtle sigh escaping her lips.

Lord Maximus expression hardened, his gaze pinning her like a butterfly to a board. "The garments adorning him weren't his own. They belonged to a member of the Eclipse Legion.

He scoffed, "Our investigation has stretched on for months, yet the most perplexing aspect remains – he's an orphan, devoid of any known alliances."

Dr. Martini bristled. "He left the orphanage a year ago, my Lord. You were informed of this investigation. There's no room for error."

"Are you implying incompetence?" Lord Maximus challenged, a dangerous edge creeping into his voice.

Dr. Martini held his gaze. "Simply stating a fact, my lord. She bowed. "He's not affiliated with the Butcher's Worm," asserting with resolute conviction.

Lord Maximus' eyes dilated, traveling down her form. The room seemed to tilt as Lord Maximus sauntered towards her office with the grace of a predator, each step echoing a silent claim of power. He didn't just occupy her seat; he conquered it, exuding an aura of absolute power that filled the room.

Dr. Martini entered with a measured stride, her movements seductive and controlled. She took her seat directly across from him, her poise a stark contrast to his aggressive posture.

They sat in a tense silence, their body language a still battle.  Finally, Lord Maximus spoke, his voice dripping with a chancy undercurrent.

Lord Maximus leaned closer, his fiery eyes boring into hers. "He doesn't stand a chance against me, does he?" His voice, a low growl that vibrated in her chest.

"He's a patient, my Lord, rehabilitation takes time," she explained evenly. "He even chose to name the puppy Shaque, completely oblivious to the situation, I assure you." A resolute nod punctuated her statement.

"Let's see how adept he truly is," he said, his words laced with a veiled threat.

Lord Maximus's lips curved into a half-smile, lost in a carnal reverie. His dark eyes, which had been focused on hers, slowly moved downwards. The heat in their depths intensified as they lingered on her breasts, peeking from beneath the crisp white blouse of her lab coat.

A flicker of something unreadable blazed in his eyes – a potent mix of possession and desire. A predator savouring his prey, he gazed at the elegant line of her neck, causing goosebumps to erupt across her skin. Even with her mysterious charm, the captivating beauty radiating from Dr. Martini was undeniable.

A tense silence stretched between them, broken only by the shallow rasp of Dr. Martini's breath.

"Your coat looks stunning today," his lips shimmered dangerously as he spoke. Her eyes  involuntarily moved away from his intense stare. A forced smile tugged at the corners of her lips, a fleeting attempt to regain control. "Thank you, my Lo—" she began, but Lord Maximus cut her off with a sharp gesture.

"It wasn't a compliment, take it off," he commanded, a low growl that rumbled in her chest.

Shock caused her eyes to bulge, her fingers tightening around the edge of the table, while her knuckles turned white as she tried to process his words.

"Lord... Sir?" she stammered, her voice a mere whisper. A tremor ran through her hand, a tiny betrayal of the carefully constructed facade she desperately tried to maintain.

"Right now," Lord Maximus growled, the sound like a fist in her chest. She shot up, her legs shaky despite the steely resolve in her eyes. Her hand impulsively sought for  the cool metal pendant around her neck.

With trembling hands, she shed her coat, the silk whispering against her skin as it fell. It revealed a white blouse that clung to her curves, emphasizing the rise and fall of her breath. Lord Maximus, enthralled, felt a surge of raw desire course through him.

Placing her coat on the table between them, Lord Maximus's glanced at it before returning to her captivating form.

He rose fluidly from his seat, rounding the table, his ravenous gaze devoured her entire body. As he neared, he spun her around, forcing her to sit on the edge of the table. "Martini," he murmured, his voice a husky caress. "You have no idea the effect you have on me." His body, a wall of heat and power, pinned hers from behind.

He reached out, his fingers brushing against the delicate skin of her breasts with a possessive touch. The warmth of his hand sent a jolt through her.

"You are far more than just flirtatious, don't you agree, Martini?" he muttered, his breath warm against her neck. "There's a fire in your eyes, a yearning that goes beyond your loyalty to that sniveling patient of yours."

His grip tightened, his nails digging into the soft flesh of her chin.  A strangled sound escaped her lips as pain flared across her jaw. Fear mingled with something darker, a confusing mix of pain and arousal that ignited a fire in her belly.

Trapped beneath his dominant hold, blood trickled from her chin, staining her neck, a whimper escaped her lips.

"Zayn," he spat the name, the sound dripping with disdain. "Handsome perhaps, but an amateur compared to me. Do you doubt my strength, my dear?" He leaned closer, his voice a seductive whisper laced with a dangerous edge.

Fear clenched her throat, a wave of heat blossoming between her legs – a confusing mix of terror and something else entirely. Her body the composure, a chill running through her as she met his gaze. The dark depths of his eyes held a challenge of both pleasure and pain.

His grip loosened, a cruel smile playing on his lips. After releasing her, Lord Maximus elegantly straightened his suit, then resumed his original position with foreboding grace.

"Dance for me, Martini," he commanded, his voice a low purr that sent chills racing down her spine.

Her hand instinctively reached for the edge of the table, the ground turned to ice beneath her feet. With a shaky breath, she rose, her body swaying in a hesitant dance.

"Let's see your true desires," Lord Maximus declared, his voice vibrated with a sinister verge. "Let go, shed those inhibitions that hold you back." His words hung in the air, a dark promise that sent a tingle of fear and anticipation through Dr. Martini.

"Let's see your true desires," Lord Maximus declared, his voice vibrated with a sinister verge. "Let go, shed those inhibitions that hold you back." His statement echoed in the hushed room, a heavy shroud of threat.

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