What is Peace Actually?

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Once there was a girl.. She belonged to the Empire's wealthiest Marquess family.
Originally she was supposed to be the Main Villainess in the story, but at the end of her miserable life, she regressed back to her younger body.
This is the story of Alice Herald, the protagonist of ' the Strongest Sword Saintess'.
... And where do I come in the picture?

Well the original 'villainess' turned ruthless due to her younger brother's death at birth, when a maid used poisoned water to clean the baby.
One of Alice's objectives in this life was to save her younger brother.

Yup... it was the same bowl she just dropped there.

This was a plot by the demons to deter the strength of the Herald family. And later, use the resurrection of this child to blackmail Alice's mother into betraying the Empire, only to die a miserable death.

This was the start of what led to her being called 'worse than the demon lord', when she became the 'Main Villainess' in the 1st timeline.

Meanwhile, the younger brother was sidelined pretty fast after the 'childhood arc' in the novel.

He was what can be called an 'extra' in the novel. A character who stayed in the background for their whole life.

.... Someone who was the perfect role model for my ideal life!

Away from all the bloodshed, from all the killing, living a slice of life story of his own every day.

Want food... Provided by the older sister.
Want land... 'here take this' says her Grace, the Saintess Sis.
Want money... Blessings received from the generous goddess named Big Sis!

I was looking forward to this new life of mine.
The life of Roan Herald, the ultimate Extra, The younger brother of the Protagonist.

(Alice POV)

[... I finally did it... I saved him]

I thought as I looked at the little human in my mother's arms.

This cute angel that I couldn't save in my previous life..

[ This time I'll pay back all the humiliations, all the bad deeds done to our family.. I will crush those traitors who betrayed us.. And those demons who conspired against us..]

This time I'll be strong. Stronger than a mere Sword Master.. Someone on a different level, whom the Demon Lord cannot touch. This time I'll reach that level.. Sword Saint.

... But I'll face many obstacles in the way, make many enemies.. I need to protect those near me.. My brother I just barely saved.

[ Heh.. Don't worry brother I'll train you hard, so hard that none of my enemies will be able to target my one weakness... You]

I started making training schedules for when my brother can start walking.


Author's note :

The magic/ swordsmanship rank system will be explained later in the novel in bits. But here it is to avoid confusion in power levels of characters in the beginning of the story.

Sword System : Basic Swordsman->Advanced Swordsman ->Elite Swordsman -> Auror Knight->Advanced Auror Knight ->Elite Auror Knight -> Sword Master-> Sword Grand Master-> Sword Saint.

Magic System : Novice Mage(1 ring)-> Intermediate Mage(2 rings)-> Advanced Mage(3 rings)-> Adept Mage(4 rings)-> Expert Mage(5 rings)-> Elder Mage(6 rings)-> Great Mage(7 rings)-> Grand Mage(8 rings)-> Archmage (9 rings)

Younger Brother of the Protagonist Where stories live. Discover now