The Almighty Timeskip Diary (2)

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3rd year since my birth. How's life you ask?...........


WHY!? Where is the every-sweet life of an extra that I was promised!
Was this all a lie!, a myth that was propagated by authors to write-off less important characters!

Ever since I was able to run, my sister's behaviour changed.
It started first as just an invitation for small walks. I was lured in with sweet baits like, " Does our mighty strong Roan want to go out for a walk to protect his big sis?"

Then suddenly the intensity of these so-called walks increased.

I tried to get out by pretending to sleep, but she would emotionally blackmail me by saying things like ' *sniff* does my little brother not love me anymore *sniff* ? ' Or ' fine I will not come to bother you anymore * sniff* it seems my little brother doesn't love his big sis anymore *sniff* '.

That's not fair! Using nukes in local warfare!

Now she has incorporated light stretching exercises and 1km jogs in these 'walks'. It seems like I'm being trained.

*Sign* it's fine though... We are in a fantasy world. The training I do now will help me in my fights in the future.

I might have a naive world view and an absurd goal to lead a quiet lazy life, but I'm not stupid.
I have read enough manga to know I will have to fight at some point, I can't just rely on my big sis to be there every time to solve my problems.

Even if I'm tired of fighting, I'm not afraid of swinging my knife again.

When I was not able to do much during these 3 years all I could do was think.

I reflected back on my previous life and came to a conclusion.

If I wanted peace could I achieve it by staying non violent? What if someone touches my family, do I still stay non violent?


Violence is the answer.

From all the different experiences I have been through I know that the most primal way to resolve a problem is to fight it out.

At the end of it all only the winner gets the last say.

The product of every disagreement is always a fight.

I am a big variable in this world. Any minor plot I touch might cause a big whirlwind behind the scenes.

Any unseen events which were never discussed in the novel, when touched changes the entire story.

So I become the biggest obstacle against me leading a carefree life. The ultimate Slice of Life ending.

The only options are to either hide until the plot is over or to get stronger so no one can affect my carefree life.


But by staying hidden am I really 'free' . I'm not sure how long big sis will take to defeat all her enemies.
And can I truly watch as my family might suffer due to these demons plotting in secret? Not really.
So that option is terminated even before the discussion begins.

... Then I just need to get strong enough that no one can affect my life. I don't need to be the strongest, that's for my sis to do. Being just a sword grandmaster is fine.

So let's aim for that. Might as well help my sister in completing the plot as soon as possible.


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