One step closer

140 3 29

America POV


America was startled by the cold tone of one of the boys. The tall boy with the weirdly fluffy hat.

"Pardon?" He asked with a slightly annoyed face. He was using every brain cell to figure out how to socialize with people who 'WEREN'T' his friends or family and this guy dares to refuse in such a rude way? Most people don't even ask before they sit!

The guy growled baring his teeth-His shockingly sharp teeth.

The long-haired country slightly nudged him with one elbow.

"Sure. I don't see any harm in that." He said, neither friendly nor hostile.

America settled down on the opposite seat as the two countries began to stare at him. A long awkward silence passed before America finally opened his mouth. "My name is America, How about you?" He spoke. "My name is People's Republic of China or just China for short. And the sassy one here is Russian Federation."

Russia didn't comment on this and just kept staring at him.

This was getting more awkward by the second.

China pulled out a couple of golden bars from his pocket, which startled the American. This guy was loaded. America wondered if he could get free food if he made friends with him. Then realized he had his golden bars.

As a pretty lady with a troll came to assist them, China waved her hand at her. "Excuse me? Can I have some of those?" The lady, who looked about 19, smiled. "Of course dear, What would you like?" As China picked out his snacks, which were mostly chocolate frogs, America pulled some bars out of his own pockets. "I'll take some stuff as well." He told the lady. The lady clapped her hands and her thick brown hair flowed like rivers as she slightly jumped up and down.

"How delightful!" She smiled


America had bought a pack of jellybeans, and some other random things while China bought six chocolate frogs.

Russia peered at China as he opened one of them. A blackish-brown chocolate-scented frog leaped out the moment he opened it. But China didn't look like he gave a flying fuck. "What did you get?" America asked, curious. "ASEAN," China responded as he handed the card over to America for him to take a look.

A woman with a pixie haircut and two mismatched shades of eyes green and blue stared at them. The woman's sharp glasses and neat blue uniforms reminded him of his dad.

America opened the packet of jellybeans and wondered if he should offer to share. He certainly didn't want to share his food with the snarky Russian but Britain's voice rang in the back of his mind.

"Do you want any?"

America asked as he offered the packet to them. America had never been good at sharing so he was pretty sure he was smiling the wrong way, holding the jellybean pack the wrong way, and asking in the wrong way.

China gave him a disapproving glance. "Hmm," He murmured as he took the jellybeans and started looking at them closely. America immediately wanted to snatch them back but held himself in. Finally, after what seemed about a million years, China finally picked out two jellybeans, one red and the other a pale yellow-green. He handed the rest of the jellybeans back to America and handed the red one to Russia.

Russia looked at the jellybean suspiciously. "Are you sure this isn't booger tasting or some shit?" He asked skeptically. Something about his heavy and attractive accent was elegant yet scary at the same time.

"It's lemon and strawberry." China assured as Russia popped it in his mouth.

"Woah, you could tell that just by the smell?" America asked, amazed. China shrugged. "It took practice."

Just then, Two countries made their way to the trio. "Ukraine?" "Canada?" Russia and America said almost at the same time. America looked down and realized they were holding hands. The Ukrainian girl noticed America's smirk and her face flushed pink in embarrassment. While on the other hand, Russia looked ready to murder Canada.

"We were just here to tell you that it's almost time to get off."

Just as the last sentence left his mouth, the train stopped to a loud growl.

"Oh, well guess we better get going," China said as he got up from his seat and packed the rest of his chocolate frogs in his huge bag.

Russia and America also got up as they followed the young Chinese man. As the five of them made their way out, America realized just how tall the Russian was.

As they walked, the American heard him mutter,

"We're one step closer to Hogwarts aren't we" 


Hey, ya'll!

It's the lucky week when I post three times a week!

I can't believe I had enough time to write all of this lol.  Also, the random lady is not a country, just a side character.

word count: 810



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