The black lake

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America POV

the five kids all looked around with surprise and shock at the scene.

America, Russia, China, Canada, and Ukraine watched as the small eleven-year-old first graders went to follow the nations calling them.

This made America wonder if they were qualified to be fourth years since it was all their first time.

"Third years! Third years over here!"

As soon as they heard this, Ukraine and Canada quickly ran to a country with short black hair and black skin with gorgeous golden accessories, and blackish-green eyes. Egypt, if he remembered correctly.

"Bye America!" Canada called to him as he went to Egypt with Ukraine.

"Fourth years! Fourth years!"

At the call, The trio made their way to another country. A tall one, with horizontal dark green, white, and red stripes. 'The son of one of the most ancient countries of all time' America thought as he looked into Hungary's green eyes.

Slipping and stumbling, they followed the older country down what seemed to be a steep narrow path.

"You will all get your first sight of Hogwarts in just a minute." The older country called over his shoulder. "Just round this bend here."

The gasp that came from the students was an understatement.

The narrow path had opened suddenly onto the edge of a great black lake. Perched atop a high mountain, on the other side, the windows sparkling in the starry sky, was a vast castle with many turrets and towers.

Hungary smiled at the sight as if he had found his home.

"No more than four to a boat!" He called, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore. China climbed in first, Russia second, and after a moment's hesitation, America climbed in as well. 

Lastly, a girl with long silk-like curls of hair climbed in. America noticed, with surprise, that the girl had three eyes. Two of them were a gorgeous purple, and one on the top was an unusual shade of blue. Her eyes shone brightly against the dark lake and night. A golden necklace hung from her neck. "Hi," She said casually. "I'm India." "Hey," He responded as India poked at Russia a bit and stuck her hand in the black lake so the cool wave could brush against her hand.

" "Hey," He responded as India poked at Russia a bit and stuck her hand in the black lake so the cool wave could brush against her hand

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"Everybody in? Alright then, Move forward!"

And then the fleet of little boats all moved at once, gliding across the lake, which was as smooth as glass. Everybody was silent, looking over at the tall castle ahead. It towered over them as they sailed nearer and nearer.

"Heads down!" yelled Hungary as the first boats reached the cliff; they all bent their heads and the little boats carried them threw a curtain of ivy that hid a wide opening in the cliff face.

They were carried along a dark tunnel, which seemed to be taking them right beneath the castle until they reached some kind of underground harbor, where they scrambled out to the rocks and pebbles.

After they all reached the shore, Hungary told everybody to continue following him step by step.

He led the students to a huge door. India clasped her hands together in excitement and joy.

Hungary told everybody to settle down as some of the countries were getting out of hand. Then he knocked on the big heavy wooden door three times.

A long creak made America flinch as they were engulfed in bright light.


It was really easy to write these chapters because I had already planned out almost everything in this book except for the slightest details. I have the details written down on my phone and I just copy most of what I have already written lol.

word count: 640



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