The sorting hat

110 2 13

America POV

Everybody turned to look at the stool, only hushed whispers could be heard now.

The hat began to sing a weird song. It was off-key but the lyrics seemed to entrap them in some kind of magical bubble.


After the song was finished, hoots and cheers came from the students.

"So do we just put the hat on?" Russia whispered into China's ear. "Yeah, and then the hat sorts us into different houses." China quietly responded, not wanting to disturb any new tension that settled on top of them.

It seemed like the youngest countries were getting sorted first.

"Taipei, Taiwan" The sorting hat called her first. China tensed up as a young girl with neatly braided short hair stepped out. She squeaked in delight and, because of her small height, almost toppled onto the ground accidentally. After the hat was placed onto the girl's head for a moment, the hat made a decision. "Ravenclaw" All the Ravenclaws cheered as Taiwan made her way threw to them.

America was drowned out of almost all of the first and second graders except Kazakhstan who got into Gryffindor. But his mind snapped back on track when it was the third graders' turn.

"Kiev, Ukraine" Russia immediately strained his head over, his dark blue eyes quivering in anticipation. Ukraine, the girl who seemed to be Russia's sister, stood up from beside Canada and made her way to the front. She looked nothing like the Russian beside him. Way too friendly-looking. "Hufflepuff" The hat decided.

"Ottawa, Canada" The hat called. This time America turned to look at his brother. who was shockingly taller than all of the third years. And he was still taller than all of the fourth graders except for Russia who was a fucking skyscraper. Even though he was still a couple of steps away, the hat had already begun to speak. "Hufflepuff" America smiled to himself as he watched his brother make his way happily to sit beside Ukraine. "Exactly like his mother." Kingdom of France hissed as she clicked her tongue in disappointment.

Brazil, Chile, and a few other third graders got in Gryffindor.

America let himself almost drift into sleeping measures at the long boring ceremony.

A sharp tap on his shoulder woke him.

He saw it was Russia who had tapped him and realized it was the fourth year's turn at last.

"Beijing, China" China stood up in a graceful movement and made his way to the hat for his house placing. Everybody stared as the male Chinese country went up to the hat. After it had been placed on his head, almost immediately, the hat had called "Slytherin!" in a slightly pain-filled way.

"Warsaw, Poland " The short-haired girl from before silently walked up to the stool with the hat. She had wings but one of them was terribly injured as if it had been torn off. She seemed to be 14 as well, even though she looked frail and skinny enough to be 11. "Hufflepuff." The hat called after being placed on the Polish girl's head for a little while.

"Washington, America" Now everybody really did stare at him. He wondered if it was because of his parent's terrifying reputation when they were back in their days. America sat on the stool as the hat was placed on his head. He heard the hat silently thinking as it murmured to itself. "Difficult, Very Difficult." The hat considered. "Enough bravery and courage for Gryffindor. But yet, ambition. A blaze of fire to prove yourself to the world and climb up to the top of everything. Gryffindor or Slytherin. I wonder..." "Slytherin!" The hat finally decided. Cheers erupted from the Slytherin's table. "Well isn't this amusing. One after the father and one after the mother" Prussia smirked at the Kingdom of France as the dead nation stuck her tongue out.

"Seoul, South Korea" America saw a boy with neatly styled hair like an idol and two mismatched eyes of red and blue. Black stripes lined his face as he made his way to the hat. He was Ravenclaw. So was Japan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and a couple of others.

Also, a psychopathic looking version of South Korea had been put in Slytherin.

(Note: South and North look alike except North has no care for his appearance.)

There was only one student left to be called out.

"Moscow, Russia" Eerie silence engulfed the room as the tall intimidating Russian stood up. But before he could take a single step forward, the hat started screaming in pain and agony. "Slytherin! Slytherin! Slytherin!"

Russia stared at the hat for a while, then went to sit with China.

And with that, the ceremony had been completed.


Alright, this chapter was shit I'm sorry you had to read that lol


word count: 782



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