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China's POV

After warning Russia about being late to class, he quickly walked to his classroom. Sadly, they all had to take the first-year classes. The classes were mandatory for them. China had already studied them and memorized the books inside his head and had anticipated more subjects to learn. But the rules were set firm. 

The first class was the transfiguration class which they shared with Gryffindor. Transfiguration classes were held in Class 1 on the first floor, Class 34 on the third floor, Class 99 in the South Tower, and Classroom 1B on the ground floor, around the Middle Courtyard.

China opened the doors to his class and was relieved to see that he wasn't the last one there. He spotted Thailand, Vietnam, and Philippines, and some non-Southeast Asian Gryffindor members all huddled together. On the other side of the classroom were Slytherins, but he couldn't make out who they were since most of them were hiding their faces.

The classroom was big, surrounded by high windows, had four rows of three desks, and still had enough room for several cages and bookshelves, two golden cat statues, two chalkboards, and a desk for the professor. Several candlesticks stood lit behind the desk. Almost everybody, including China scattered and sat in their seats as Professor ASEAN entered. China opened his books and readied his quill as ASEAN took a long look at the students.

"Now, Let's-" Before she could finish her sentence, the door burst open as a figure hurriedly walked inside. A couple of students turned their heads to the door to see a tall figure. "Russia Moscow," ASEAN sighed as she massaged her temples. Russia sat next to China who was holding back a sigh himself. He leaned over and whispered in the Russian's ear so nobody else could hear. "Did you eat breakfast?" Russia shook his head in a 'no'. China gave him a concerned glance.

As Professor ASEAN opened her mouth to speak again, the poor door was slammed open once again. This time, everybody did turn their heads to stare at the new person standing there. A person with silver hair and electric blue eyes. ASEAN opened her mouth to scold the American, but then closed it. America searched around the classroom and as China gestured to him, Russia sighed. "Not again," He growled.

ASEAN patted some dust off her cloak and readjusted her glasses. "Transfiguration is a branch of magic that focused on the alteration of the form or appearance of an object, animal or person, via the alteration of their molecular structure." China nodded along as he stored this new information inside his head and his brain started clicking to understand what she meant. 'So to put it simply, spells that are used for changing objects from one type of thing into another.'

"It is important to use firm and decisive movements. So do not twirl your wand without knowing what you are doing unless you want your spell to fail. This requires correct hand movement and concentration." ASEAN moved over to the left side of the table and picked up a glass jar sitting there. "Today we will practice turning this glass jar into an animal. Let me show you my example."

 China was practically on the edge of his seat when Russia pulled down his shoulder to keep him from standing up. "One, two, three, Vera Verto" ASEAN worded as she tapped the jar slightly with her wand each time she counted a number. The jar slowly and smoothly shapeshifted as the clear jar was not clear anymore. It had turned into a small mouse which squeaked its existence to the world.

A small gasp was heard as everybody's eyes were laid on the mouse. The tip of ASEAN's mouth twitched slightly as if in a small smile. "Who wants to go first?" China raised his hand as he repeated what ASEAN had done inside his head. ASEAN perched her glasses up and nodded at him. China pulled out a small round glass jar from inside the bag he had placed neatly beside him. ASEAN's eyes widened slightly as China casually pulled it out. "One, two, three, Vera Verto" He whispered in a small but clear voice to make sure the spell was done correctly. A small smile of pride sparkled on his face as the jar changed its form from a glass object to a furry mouse.

(Time skip cause why not)

After some time of practicing more in groups, practicing a bit more, the long class was finally over. "I'm surprised by how quickly you managed the spell." China commented to America as they moved to their next class.

"Says you," He responded. "You were the first one to learn it and try it out." China nudged Russia to make him join in the conversation. Russia raised an eyebrow at him. "What's your opinion on the class Russia?" China asked. Russia shrugged in an answer.

"Are you deaf? Can't you hear the question?" America scowled. "Well, If I'm deaf, are you blind? Can't you see that I don't like talking? Or are you too stupid to realize that" China interfered as America opened his mouth to snap something back.

 "Hey, don't fight. We better get to our next class." Awkward and heavy tension lay between the three students as they hurriedly walked to their next class.


Does Russia hate America?


Does America hate Russia?


What a beautiful relationship.

Anywho, writing this entire chapter made me feel like China was male Hermione or something. Also, this chapter is one of the most detailed chapters because it's China's POV.

Winter break started! Yayyyyyyy! Can I post more often now? NO! I've grown more lazy.


Word count: 940


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